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Fucking Bullshit Comic

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Comic is currently called Void. Title may change in the future. The characters, places, and plot lines are still being developed. I am very busy so bear with the slowness, please.   I've been wanting to make a comic for a while, but I have issues keeping ideas together and I'm also very lazy. So this is going to be a giant mess of ideas, characters, and random details. I'm just trying to get this together so maybe, one day, I can actually make a web comic. Hopefully a successful one.   I've been generating ideas for this for about 4 years, so there's gonna be a lot that I got to organize and then put into coherent thoughts on here. If anything is confusing, just ask, I'll be more than happy to explain.   On a side note, I am starting this at midnight, so my brain is not comprehending anything. If anything is repeated cause I forgot I already wrote it, I'm sorry.   This will be made better in the future.   Also trying to get that checklist complete. 1000 characters being roughly 140 words my ass.

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