Veherrihs in From the Void | World Anvil
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Veherrihs are people gifted with control of Mïzärn's sphere. Typically individuals have a particular skill set which defines their powers. The veherrihs entirely are not outwardly shunned by society, but there is an obvious stigma against them which varies according to their sphere. Thus many can be denied a place to live, work, and sometimes are even rejected by their own families. Some of these powers provoke an understandable fear such as with illusionists and void-walkers; in many instances they may be imprisoned or contained for their entire lives despite committing no crime. In more extreme cases, veherrihs are murdered. Because of this stigma, many choose sanctuary with the temple of Mïzärn where they can openly use, study, and learn to control their powers safely. Once their powers are discovered, the veherrihs are strongly encouraged to join the temple for their own safety while some families may force the veherrihs in their lineage to join the temple.

In recent decades, veherrihs have formed guilds and associations as an alternative to the temple of Mïzärn. These guilds and associations offer a family to those who have been ousted by their own blood as well as protection from the dangerous side of the stigma against the veherrihs. Some guilds allow all classifications of veherrihs while others are one type of arcane skill. Some skills are known to be profitable such as with healers or seers. Veherrihs whose skills are beneficial in battle may also join mercenary groups. The elemental variety are the most common type of veherrihs and their abilities are what often comes to the mind of the common Andeamer.

In the Valgaartiran, veherrihs are protected by their own laws and rights. They can be found in many occupations throughout the territory and have become valued and coveted citizens for their powers. In other more developed nations, veherrihs may find their place in a society that won't ignore them.  

Classifications of Veherrihs


Veherrihs are typically in tune with a particular aspect. These aspects can range from elemental manipulation to the extremely rare class of versatile veherrihs. Enchanters are veherrihs that are skilled with enchanting, but it is typically a secondary skill one can learn. Their enchanting ability revolves around their primary aspect.  

Lyätath ar'Ënokh

Elemental Veherrihs show aptitude is manipulation of the natural world. This is the most diverse and includes living and non-living things; liquids, gasses, fire, earth, metals, chemistry, flora, etc,... This is the most common classification and is broken down further into those who control particular things such as the veherrihs who can manipulate fire energy (heat, intensity, conjuration) or the “Gardeners” which are the veherrihs whose talent lies completely in nature; they can mature plants instantly or manipulate them into forms and even deplete them of life completely.

Alchemists may be confused with illusionists, but their talent is not an illusion. Their magical talents lie in the alteration of matter.and are often considered a variant of element controlling veherrihs. They alter matter down to its molecular structure so long as they are familiar with the matter they seek to change and what they are changing it to, alchemists can change anything. They can learn the structure of anything they touch given enough time. Alchemist also tend to be in tune with patterns in general and can appear to have symptoms of OCD in the form of habitual rituals; this is believed to be caused by the nature of their gifts. The stigma against alchemist can very; typical skills are only good for altering non-organic materials such as ore or reinforcing it. The rarest alchemist can alter living things into another living material or even non-living material; these ones are feared just as illusionists and void-seers.  


Illusionists are a rare and very stigmatized class of veherrihs. While rare their talents for illusions, alterations, and obfuscation of reality are exceptional. They alter the perception of reality so other perceive what the illusionist wants. They manipulate the mind, thoughts, and emotion; their skillset is also known to cause damage to the nervous system especially in the brain but not as a symptom from being controlled by an illusionist. Unlike the far-seers who may be able to read minds, illusionist plant thoughts, feelings, memories, and images in another. The weak point of illusionists is that their illusion is only maintained as long as the illusionist wills.  


Healers are the second most common veherrihs, but range in healing capacity. As their name would imply their skill set revolves around health. They can detect and heal ailments which can vary by simple cuts to illnesses. The healers who are most skilled can cure ailments as severe as cancers, but these individuals are extremely rare. Some legends tell of healers resuscitating the dead, but this ability would seem to similar to the powers of some Seers who could revive deceased things. However the difference would be very appearant; the ones revived by healers were brought back before they began putrification and essentially reversed their deaths while Seers were said to be able to bring back anything, but the product was said to be "horrifying abominations wrought with the stench of death" and further dissection of these tales would imply Seers are unable to reverse the post-mortem processes so the revived are not entirely intact physically or mentally.  

Sädthäs Vihngär

Void-seers and void-walkers are veherrihs who are sensitive to the Void. Unusual talents include summoning and binding Voids as well as projecting themselves into the void. Exceptionally talented void-walkers and seers can open actual portals into the void and physically enter it. The only people known to have the ability to do this are the high priestesses of Mazarath. They are not prone to the corruption of the void and some are completely immune. They are rare but feared for their abilities as it allows the void to seep into reality.

These veherrihs are known to be versatile rather than have their ability focus entirely on the energy of the Void. Versatile veherrihs are the rarest and sometimes unheard of. Their talents extend beyond a particular skill set to encompass many. Their existence is often doubted. As for the matter of whether one can learn to extend their magical abilities outside of their attunement is possible, but known to be extremely difficult for veherrihs.  


Seers are veherrihs with the extra-sensory capacity to communicate with the dead and perceive the hidden world of the ätherä and voids. Their sensitivity to the hidden world of the ätherä and voids allows them to communicate efficiently and effectively with these beings as well as perceive their motives or given purpose. An exceptional ability very few possess is akin to necromancy and can revive dead things for minutes or even indefinitely for those with the capacity. Accounts of this ability describes it as ranging between possession of a deceased thing such as what the voidly followers of Surgat Zagam are known to do all the way to the necromantic power described earlier. The revived are typically in a suspended state of decay and not capable of regeneration and sometimes depending on this state their mental faculties may be compromised. Seers with this rare talent are not welcomed openly in many parts of Ënokh, thus they often keep it a secret just as with other veherrihs whose talents are not socially acceptable.

Far-Seers are veherrihs with the talent for precognition, but can also witness past events regardless if they themselves were present or alive during the event. They also tend to be empaths and some extend this ability further into telepathy. Their variety of telepathy is limited to perception of others thoughts and feelings rather than the ability to put thoughts or feelings into others like with illusionists. Many are more weary of far-seers because of this, but these veherrihs are better suited to blending into society without drawing attention to themselves. One the other side of this, they are coveted for their ability and are targets for governments who wish to use them as agents or others who seek to do them harm for what they know.

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