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Welcome to Fragmentia, a world torn and fractured, fraught with wild phenomena and unexplainable events. A world of lost civilizations and great calamity. A world guided by once mortal champions who ascended to godhood. A world of cultures reclaimed and reshaped. A world of struggle and tension and oddity.   To the north, the Raging Half is a wild and inhospitable place. Framing the massive and poisonous Lac Tranquille, the Broken Crags pitch ominously toward the icy waters below. The Wicked Woods, a place of abominations and monstrosities, legends spun from Lac Tranquille's depths, creep along the edge of the Crags, repulsing even the most hardened adventurers. To the west lies the Great Blight, where the ancient cities of the Eladrin Elves were incinerated in the Shattering, the mysterious and cataclysmic event that shattered Fragmentia into pieces and wiped it of its history. The Great Blight remains a vast and horrifying landscape, devoid of vegetation and life, standing as proof of Fragmentia's lost past. The Eladrin that managed to survive made their new home at the center of a caldera lake, where the great city of Calamité sits as the Eladrin Kingdom's center of power--a place of subterfuge and mischief, and of the great games of nobility and the dangerous underbelly of the city itself.   To the southeast, the Natural Half is swathed in dense forest, the massive trees reaching impossibly high toward the sky itself. The tribes of Wood Elves call the Forest of Dreams their home and they isolate themselves to understand the strange, ever-changing nature of the woods and to drive out the unnatural creatures that lurk within. In Fragmentia's great ocean, the Sea of Chance, the Couronnée Empire has laid claim on the world's various islands, seeking new and undiscovered ruins to shed light on Fragmentia's lost history. Their influence on the world continues to grow and expand, on a conquest for total control under the guidance of the Champion Karram.   Last, there is the Wild Half. Here is the most diverse of the halves, where teachings of divinity and the arcane live paradoxically and harmoniously...or at least that's what they would have you believe. On the Crying Peninsula is the city of Larmes the world's beacon of neutrality and arcane study, a place focused on recovering lost records and history of Fragmentia's origins. Here, the Council of Acadia operates the College of Existence and the Archives of Acadia, a living library of changing corridors and mysterious texts, and though the Council does not involve themselves in world affairs, they work closely with the great dragonborn sorcerers that dwell within the Acadia Range. There the sorcerers scour the old ruins of a lost city high in the mountains and rewrite the histories of the world's most ancient people.   But sitting in the shadow of the mountains is the Valley of Nova, a land of lush fields and fertile farmland. Here the city of Concorde has reclaimed the old teachings of Nova, the ancient divine city of the Champions. They preach peace and unity throughout the Valley and offer their protection to the other villages and cities in the Valley in exchange for goods and their pledge to exclude no Champion from worship.   So, step inside the world of Fragmentia and see what mysteries lay in wait.