Office of the Magistrate in Fragment Souls | World Anvil
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Office of the Magistrate

"The noble office of the magistrate exists to fill what would otherwise be a potentially dangerous power vacuum existing in between the petty ranks of office and that of the governor. Further the office allows a clearer pathway from local political spheres into greater Tessynian affairs and serves to enforce Tessynian law rather than a governor's personal might."

-Route of Power, Route of Will. E, D, Daramas. 222 Kelzyn Era


"The office of the magistrate originates from improvised sub-governor roles during and prior to the dynastic period. The tumultuous eras of the late dynastic period saw much internal strife as the role and power of the then imperial governors waxed and waned drastically between dynasties. Many improvised positions existed to decentralize the imperial governors powerbase. It is certainly possible that should the final years of the Meresch Era result in a different outcome than the fall of the Secrid Dynasty that the role of an imperial magistrate been formed officially."

-Lost Age of Power, a Study of the Administration of the Late Dynastic Period. R, A, Nostra. E, O, Volcrast. 2870 Reval Era

Anlari Era

"The calamity that followed the collapse of the Secrid Dynasty tore apart any foundations of interstellar rule that were still untouched. Remaining imperial governors quickly turned into warlords and any resemblance of loyalty to empires of the past quickly faded. It would take until the founding of Holy Tessynia for stability to finally return. While the early admirations were modelled after the late era Dynastic model, it was quickly becoming apparent that the instability of the centralized power of the governor would invariably bring. The first official magistrate to take office did so during the late Anlari Era."

Reval Era

"The early Reval Era saw a rapid increase in the numbers of new magistrates, as political support from many of the less powerful Houses drove ever more systems to officially adopt the role. This rapid increase caused a myriad of problems as no existing system was fit to train and handle power conflicts between the newly appointed magistrates and the existing governors. In more extreme cases the crisis drove systems into a brief state of civil war."

"By the onset of the War of the Scorpion the status of the magistrates had solidified. Their relative power and rank compared to the governors was clear by this point and only rarely caused issues worth noting. The central issue that remains to be solved, is at which point will a planet need a magistrate separate from the general system governor. So far the state administration, and on a smaller level the province administration have handled the appointments. Outside of a general guideline however, no official rule on planetary development status which defines the final need for a magistrate has been laid made."

Administering the Holy Republic. Vol. 4. A, E Augotine. O, R, M, Tullon. 14 Kelzyn Era


"There are two effective functions for a magistrate, the first and most important is the administrative management of a planet. What this in practice entails is largely dependent on the specific area and system in question. Newer added systems might only have a magistrate in name while some should see a magistrate oversee the management of large scale industrial works vital for the entire province. The second task is the act as a check against the power and status of the governor, for while the governor can lead the magistrate of their system, they cannot directly control them. Adding to this magistrates are rarely from the same house as the governor, thus adding a political check for the governors power."

-Route of Power, Route of Will. E, D, Daramas. 222 Kelzyn Era

Colonial Magistrate

"A recent addition to the official line of Tessynian specialty offices. The Colonial Magistrate has both the most absolute power and the least power among all existing official ranks of the government. The Colonial Magistrate is unique in that their ability to give orders has no direct restriction within the system they are set to govern. However their power and rank can be immediately annulled by the state senate at any time. Thus the Colonial Magistrate is left with enough power to govern effectively, even from a great distance from Tessynian channels, but held at a leash at all times. "

-Administering the Holy Republic. Vol. 4. A, E Augotine. O, R, M, Tullon. 14 Kelzyn Era

Militant Magistrate

"During times of extended conflict, it has proven necessary for the Tessynian armies to take command of the civilian administration is on a given world, thus the role of the Militant Magistrate was made. Originally it was exclusively used when a recently acquired system was to be incorporated into into Tessynia. For before the civilian administration can take over, it was sometimes necessary for the military to continue their presence on the world in greater numbers. However during the War of the Scorpion, it was proven necessary time and again for military leaders to have unhindered access to the resources the civilian administration was previously managing."

-Efficiency in Command and Control. L, E, Altenhas. 356 Kelzyn Era

Temporal Magistrate

"For worlds where the guiding hand of Church and the faithful are truly needed, a Temporal Magistrate can be appointed with the approval of the state senate. There are a number of worlds missing the light of Anver, ones lost to the dark or those with clouded ideals. The task of the Temporal Magistrate is to secure a brighter future for these lost worlds, and bring hope to all faithful in their system. Their mission will also entail to purify the world from those unfit to receive the blessings of Anver. This holy task must be taken with fire, faith and steel."

"Where a world has been truly blessed by the divine words of Anver, there exists another purpose for the Temporal Magistrate. In these consecrated worlds the task of the Temporal Magistrate is to further guide and conserve the holy relics, sites and institutions that have been built. It is a blessed charge and one which must be undertaken with the utmost care and dedication, lest the seed of corrupt practices and beliefs be allowed to take root."

-Burden and Blessing of our Eternal Mission. High Priest Y, L, A, S, Marrel. 3000 Reval Era

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