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"The boom of the dynamite shuddered the whole mine. Some of the more scrawny workers fell on their backs and covered their ears. This process is usually repeated to any surface that we need to blow open. Being down here does get hot especially when you undergo hard labor. But it's all worth it to get that sweet, sweet, income from the boss. We usually dig up gold or iron ore, but that isn't what we dig for. Tenaces, that milky white mixed in with the still stone ground. It isn't very useful by itself, it's very grainy and is not sturdy. Then someone had the bright idea to melt the ore into a thick paste. When it's in this state, the mineral becomes extremely malleable and a great adhesive. This paste is treasured and is something only a Vindexian could have access to. A fact I like is that the paste is used as a kind of mortar for the king's castle. I talk about this now because the wall we just blew open uncovered a large vein of Tenaces. It's safe to say the boss is overjoyed from our treasure." - Custos


Material Characteristics

Usually the mineral is a solid, smooth white but occasionally has a black streak through it.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Once melted into a thick paste, Tenaces becomes an extremely strong adhesive. It's so powerful that you would need the paste to get surgically removed if you made the mistake to touch it.

Geology & Geography

Tenaces is most commonly found in the Vindexian marshland and is scarce about everywhere else.

Life & Expiration

Over a few days, the paste begins to return to a more solid state. It must be reheated regularly in order to maintain its sticky properties.

History & Usage

Everyday use

The ore is used as mortar would as it binds together slabs of rock on a building.
Rare, unless if mined in the Vindexian marshes.
Milky White
Boiling / Condensation Point
Around 500 Degrees Fahrenheit
Related Locations

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