Harpers Organization in Forgotten Realms Rediscovered | World Anvil
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Decentralised, clandestine network helping the oppressed. The Harpers have a reputation for secrecy and also incorruptibility in their pursuit of helping the disadvantaged. They are reputed to have "eyes everywhere that injustice is being done". Little is known about their leadership or structure.   Two of the main ideals of Harpers are freedom and balance. They also believe that nobody is entirely good or evil. They value truth above flattery. They believe in the laws as long as the laws are just. They strive to be humble, and to risk their lives when needed to thwart evil or help one another. Once given a mission they never give up. In fact, Harpers who die before fulfilling a mission sometimes become ghost who continue their quest after death.   They police their own. They value lore and history, and seek to protect cultural artefacts and knowledge. They work to ensure powerful magic does not fall into the wrong hands. They help one another without hesitation, and will often avenge the death of their members if wrongfully slain. They remain ever watchful.



Public Agenda

Help the oppressed; promote fairness, justice, and balance.


Has risen, been shattered, and risen again many times over a very long period of history.
Harpers live—and die—to keep the Balance.   — Harper saying (anonymous)
Harpers cover
Alliance, Generic

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