Iago Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Personality Traits

Easygoing, open-minded, wise, comforting, generous, advising, kind, and humorous   Iago’s life philosophies are about living life to the fullest and choosing your own destiny. He’s a firm believer that everyone has the power to create their own destiny.  


Iago has no desire for power. There is nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity, but feels the guild system begets naught but violence and hatred  


Greatest bond to deceased father, strong bond with best friend who helped teach magic alongside Iago's father. Values teachings he received (quotes section) above anything from the guild  


Iago enjoys comfort and quiet, and prefers to avoid extra effort. Appears lazy to others

Tenets of Faith

Magic is split into 5 sources
  • The magic of the flatlands, structured and protective (white)
  • The magic of the water, thoughtful and full of potential (blue)
  • The magic of the fen, ambitious and calculating (black)
  • The magic of the peak, spontaneous and free (red)
  • The magic of the trees, natural and destined (green)
  • Are there any other sources?

    Physical Description

    Body Features

    Amber eyes   Short for a half-elf, around 5’. Overweight, pudgy belly visible under his robes   Silver-gray and balding hair   110 Years old

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Born into Seles guild, but no magical or martial aptitude. Mother disappointed in me as failure   Worked for many decades as evangelist for the guild   Spent decades learning magic from my father until I became adept with the arcane; Mother still disappointed as it's not doruvati   Father died recently and I've become alienated from the guild, it's ideals don't match how I've come to perceive the world thanks to the arcane magics. Best friend disappeared shortly after father died   Dimir have just contacted me to join their ranks to spy on Seles; I've accepted in an attempt to discover more about the guilds and what truly is Nature's order on Ravnica.


    No formal education.   Learnt arcane magic with the help of father (druid), best friend (cleric). Always was a point of contention that divine magic was impossible for me

    Failures & Embarrassments

    Failed to get into university despite high family expectations. Mother especially resents me as a failure

    Personality Characteristics


    Feels the ideals of Mat'Selesnya are above mortal understanding, a cosmic truth, but not the whole truth.   Thinks that Ravnica has fallen into unnatural anarchy from the Guilds (including the conclave) and strives to understand why and a way to fix it.   I have loyalty to myself and the teachings of my father but don't perceive the guilds to truly have or maintain balance. I wan't to learn more of fate.     Wish to uncover answers to some of the following questions
  • What magic was the original guildpact and how/why did it fail 76 years ago?
  • How did Jace become the living guildpact?
  • Where did the leylines come from and how do they conduct mana?
  • Is there an end to ravnica? What is beyond the edge?
  • We know of 5 sources of magic, but is that all of them?
  • Also want to know what happened to Mor. We frequently spoke about discovering what's beyond Ravnica; did he leave to find the edge?


    Family Ties

    Parents were conclave born and bred
    Mother Mithrellas is an Elven Fighter - Alive , member of Seles guild army - strained relationship
    Father Enel a Human druid died 6 months ago - Very strong relationship
    Best friend Morbazan (aka Mor) helped teach magics with my father. Disappeared right after father died
    Year of Birth
    625 110 Years old
    Large amber
    Scruffy tufts of silver hair
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale white
    Quotes & Catchphrases

    Is it your own destiny, or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you? ... It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you and what do you want?  
    It is usually best to admit mistakes when they occur, and to seek to restore honor.  
    Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.  
    You must never give into despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength.  
    It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place, it become rigid and stale. Understanding others, the other elements, and the other nations, will help you become whole.  
    Protection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love. There are reasons each of us are born. We have to find those reasons.  
    Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time, more wisely.  
    If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you'll ever see.

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    Wizard 1 Class & Level
    Sage Background
    Half-Elf Race
    Neutral Good Alignment

    Strength 8
    Dexterity 12
    constitution 13
    intelligence 16
    wisdom 14
    charisma 14
    Total Hit Dice 1
    Hit Die 1d6+1
    2 proficiency bonus
    14 Passive perception
    -1 Strength
    1 Dexterity
    1 Constitution
    5 Intelligence
    4 Wisdom
    2 Charisma
    saving throws
    1 Acrobatics
    2 Animal Handling
    5 Arcana
    -1 Athletics
    4 Deception
    5 History
    4 Insight
    2 Intimidation
    5 Investigation
    2 Medicine
    3 Nature
    4 Perception
    2 Performance
    2 Persuasion
    3 Religion
    1 Sleight of Hands
    1 Stealth
    2 Survival
    Hit Points

    Crossbow, Dagger, Dart, Quaterstaff, Sling


    Common, Elvish, Loxodon, Vedalken, Goblin



    Personality Traits



    Class Features
    Spellcasting PHB114
    You can cast prepared wizard spells using INT as your spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 13, Spell Attack +5) and wizard spells in your spellbook as rituals if they have the ritual tag. You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus.

    Arcane Recovery PHB115
    Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover - up to a combined level of 1, and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.

    Racial Traits
    Darkvision PHB39
    You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.

    Fey Ancestry PHB39
    You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

    Skill Versatility PHB39
    You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
    Features & Traits


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