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Forgotten Realms - The Kingdom of Cormyr

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Cormyr is one of the oldest and most interesting kingdoms in the Forgotten Realms. It is a land of classic fantasy, with a strong king ruling his subjects fairly and evenly, nobles struggling against each other for the scraps of power that the king does not keep to himself, and adventuring companies willing to clear dangerous lands of ferocious monsters for a small share of the crown's treasury. And there is magic - lots of magic.
King Azoun IV, the ruler of Cormyr, does not allow groups of armed individuals to roam his country at will. To do so would invite rebellion. The king has been especially strict about such things since Gondegal, a renegade, took arms against Cormyr and left a wide path of destruction in his wake. All who would bear arms in Cormyr must register with the crown.

Map of Cormyr

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