Old Ashon Organization in Final Kings | World Anvil
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Old Ashon

Southernmost province of the Ashoni Empire. Old Ashon is the origin state of the entire Ashoni empire. Renown for their ship builders and high speed sailing ships. The True Ashoni established military dominance over the region with cunning naval strategy as well as disciplined spear tactics which have been copied across the continent to Wethana and Skaitian mercenaries.


A landowner based democracy with an emperor at it's head.

Public Agenda



Food, fish, ships and plunder.


Significant army, recruits get a path to voting rights and other greater citizenship.

Agriculture & Industry

Heavy in trade, fishing and agriculture. As well as precious metals and gems. Light on lumber and steel however.

Trade & Transport

Generally trades on a naval level, or sends land caravans to other imperial lands.


Some citizen rights are gained through passing educational trials, thus those looking to establish their position may get basic arithmetic and grammar lessons.


Aquaducts are common in the dry landscape, as are sewers to carry waste to the ocean. internal roads are plentiful but drastically decline as the only land path out is through the bounding desert.
Geopolitical, Province
True Ashoni
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Gems, silk and spices.
Major Imports
Steel and lumber
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

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