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'United under one banner, one people, one dream!'- Talithorian War Cry of the Silverbloods

Children of a Dream

Talithor's history is a hard to understand affair at times, as due to the culture's obession with dreams it is near impossible to tell what truly has occured or what a high orcale has dreamed. For this reason many scholars have chosen to cross reference the history of Talithor with accounts of their neighbours, though due to the historical differences this bears questionable results. Though most accounts agree that the origin of the nation of Talithor came about during the final years of the Empire of the Torch, all because a high wizard had the most wonderous of dreams.   Talithor is at least very open with its story of how it created its nation from the ruins of a dying empire, though one must accept this tale with great suspicion as the nation is accused of lies and crimes during this time by its neighbours. With most accepting that Talithor has hidden some of its more questionable acts in order to preserve its image of a grand pilgrimage. During the final years of the Empire of the Torth it is said that the Grand Wizard Javier Castillo of Emperor Lanius the Mad suffered from a series of nightmares and dreams, which have been recorded in the Diario Futuro. The Diario Futuro is seen as the most important of relics to Talithorians as it is said to record their past, present and future due to the dreams of their founder. It is in the Diario Futuor that Javier Castillo spoke of how he saw fields of ash, a world tearing itself apart as wolves of countless colours fought and tore at each other, divided and feral in the chaos. It was during one of these nightmares that a burning light in the sky scattered the wolves before crashing into the land, this strange object from the skies glowed with a strange light which calmed the wolves, turning them all to one colour, crimson. When Javier Castillo woke from this dream he assumed he had simply lost it, yet when he looked to the skies he saw the same burning object land in the far west, at that moment he knew that his dreams were truly something more, that his Goddess Draíocht had granted him vision. With this new sense of purpose he gathered like minded members of the court, those who were desperate to escape the dying throws of the Empire. Most who joined the Grand Wizard were other like minded scholars or mystics, yet the most strangest one to join was the Madame Aurelia Cracis the Chief Advisor and confidant to the Emperor, some even give her the title of Grand Mistress and master mind behind the descrution of the Horse Lord Plains.   Yet, despite this group possessing some of the greatest minds of the Empire, they lacked the raw martial strength to break free from the Empire's grip. As the Emperor's armies still controlled the borders of what little territory he could still control. But, it is said during this time that the Grand Wizard learnt new skills from the Madame, that for too long his magic had ignored the strength of dusk and shadows. Thus, under the darkest of nights the Grand Wizard is said to be taught the arts of subterfuge. All the Madame requested in turn for these lessons was that the Wizard never forget that the power of shadows is what allowed them to break free from the Empire. This is when the Talithorian tale breaks from other nation's records. As Talithor speaks of how the Grand Wizard used his arts to sneak into the camps of the border armies with his Madame, to convinced the Generals that they were fighting for a dead empire. With his intellect and the Madame's charisma they convinced the Generals to join their great pilgrimage. Though, the Reclaiment speaks of this tale very differently. They speak of a great shadow descending on the camps, with the Grand Wizard using powers from a Duchess to call forth shadowy creatures to kill the sleeping soldiers, conscripting any who managed to survive his terrible power.   No matter which tale was the truth, the Grand Wizard had acquired his army and thus the strength to reach the western province of the Empire. It was there that the tale speaks of a people of little purpose other than self gratification, who was more in touched with the lance than any higher purpose. The people of Nadur, the Baradorian Kingdom. It is spoken by Talithorian scholars that the knights of Barador were too busy carving out their new kingdom, figthing other states and themselves. Thus, when the Grand Wizard requested simple passage and offered to pay for supplies for their pilgrimage. The Baradorians simply scoffed, as if they would give supplies to an outsider, who did not even know how to use a lance. Thus, with little choice Javier Castillo had to carve a path through Barador, sparing those he could as some lords proved to be wiser than most. It is said that these defectors of Barador would become the new ruling nobility of Talithor due to their sense of higher purpose and experience as lords of the land. It should come to no shock that Barador has their own tale in regards to this incident. Baradorian scholars speak of the pilgrimage requesting entry and that Barador let them do so, though they could spare little supplies as their own nation had been in the grips of their war of independence. Yet, they spared what they could and tried to protect the Grand Wizard's people. But, this kindness was abused as the Grand Wizard let his people raid and steal from the people while his lover who was a vile witch of the dark arts seduced many a young lord and lady to join them. Thus, with little choice Barador was forced to drive them away, if only to protect their people from this pilgrimage of shadow and dark magic.   Yet, even with the knights at their heels, this pilgrimage finally reached its goal. They reached the land the Grand Wizard had dreamed of, a place of mightly rocky hills and ancient valleys. A land unclaimed as most saw nothing but stone and gravel, yet the Grand Wizard saw me and with his lover by his side he followed his dreams. Upon the greatest hill, a hill scorched long ago to be as black as night they found the shard of the sky, the object Javier Castillo had dreamed of for countless nights. It stood as a mighty thorn, pointing up at the sky as if to threaten it. This strange shard appeared to abosrd the light around it, creating a strange dark mist around it and it is said when the Grand Wizard touched it with his bare hand his whole arm turned into the same material. Yet, it did not hurt, the wizard only smiled as he turned to his pilgrimage and told them this was a place of dreams, that in time they would build a mighty kingdom to pierce the heavens and find where this strange thorn came from. It was on that day that Talithor was founded with this thorn later labelled 'Regalo de Sueño' being the start of this new empire and people.  

Castillo Dynasty 3-300 AE

  The Castillo Dynasty was the longest ruling dynasty though this has less to do with the quality of its members but rather the long life of its founder. This dynasty started with the declration of a new emperor and empress, Javier Castillo and Aurelia Cracis. Though, they had many children together, they never planned to give up the throne. As both had spoken against the hereditary system which had failed their homeland. Thus, both sought ways to ensure their long life. Aurelia is accused by some of making deals with the Duchesses for long life, though this is hard to confirm as she would go missing in 265 AE with her study and herself being lost in a magical explosion. While some claim she simply went to take her new throne with the Duchesses other say it was murder by her many descendants who craved the throne. Javier Castillo did not follow the same schemes as his wife, but rather saw purity and eternity in the stone which was now his arm. For this reason he exposed more of himself to the stone, becoming more statue than man. Though, with his wife by his side he was able to keep his humanity, and thus rule a stable kingdom. For the mines were rich with silver and this richness ensured that Talithor could grow and maybe expand into a great trade power. But, with the death of his wife he lost touch with reality. Soon he ordered greater stores of silver to be mined as he sought to 'find his wife' through more expensive rituals. This focus on silver mining and constant need for more of the mineral would cause disaster for Talithor's economy. As it was at this point that most found themselves employed in the silver mines, becoming dependent on the silver ore which soon rapidly suffered from inflation. Yet, the Grand Emperor cared little, he soon also disappeared, his robes and staff found next to the Regalo de Sueño'. With his disapperance and no clear heir, the many members of the dynasty leaped for the throne causing the Talithorian Civil War.  

Sangredorada Dynasty 305-450 AE

  The Civil War would last for five years, much of Talithor's original fertile land would be lost in the conflict as each side sought to strip each other of resources. It is unknown how many fields were salted during this time, but Selger trade records speak of the price of salt doubling due to 'forgein demand.' The mines faired little better, with many of the great mines of the Castillo period being destroyed to deny resources or to be used as traps for forces. The Civil War is said to have only came to an end at the battle of La Fereona, a town near the border of Barador. It is said that it was here the last two survivors of the Castillo dynasty fought one last battle, with every street of the town fought for. By the end of it all, one did manage to win, Seraphina Castillo, the new Empress if things played out differently. As her must trusted General and pregnant lover, Maria Sangredorada betrayed her. While the Sangredorada would later claim it was to end the maddness of the Castillo dynasty, others claim it to be nothing more than a power grab. Yet, despite the reasoning the Sangredorada dynasty was able to secure Talithor with relative ease after this battle. As all other nobles had lost their armies in the Civil War. This marked the start of the One People One Army policy, where only one military force was to be tolerated in Talithor, with it only answerable to the Head of the State. Maria and her descendents would continue the rapid centralisation of Talithor, with no one strong enough to resist them or their new force, with any hint of unrest being quickly removed. Most scholars see this as the start of the modern state of Talithor, as many of its key ideas such as all power to the state and assimilation would start in this era. It is said it was due the acts done at La Fereona and the later purges 'gifted' the Sangredorada family its unique birth mark. As each child of the family was born with birth marks with the apperance of blood stains, a constant reminder of the fact their family took many a life to secure their future.   Though, it was this love of violence which bring about the end of this dynasty. As this family placed great weight on their martial pride, they would never choose to back down. Thus, when a paladin of Barador accused the Grand Emperor, Regardo Sangredorada of murdering his brother, the Grand Emperor decided to not accept this insult. This led to a duel later that day, where the far more confident Regardo mocked the paladin, as he tried to narrow down which knight of barador was this fool's brother. After all the list was far too long to remember each kill. But, it was this overconfidence which led to his downfall, as during one of his many barbs he failed to notice a root, thus with a step and tumble he was quickly stabbed to death by the paladin. The crowd was in shock, Talithor's pride was broken as their Grand Emperor had died to an unknown paladin in such a.... pathetic manner. It did not take long for a coup to take place as the Grand Emperor's children were far too young to rule. Thus, the head of the army, Yeranor Esalde took charge of the nation.  

End of Dynasties 450-520 AE

  While most predicted another hereditary emperorship, few could have expected the true plans of Yeranor Esalde. Yeranor upon their successful coup would declare to the people that they had come to this land to escape the maddness of Emperors and their successors. Thus, in 450 AE, they formally ended the title of Emperor, there would be no more ancient out dated forms of leadership. Instead, they created the title of Lord Protector, a post open to all. They simply needed to kill or defeat the current holder of the title to claim it. This ensured that only the strongest and most cunning could lead the nation. The army and bureaucracy had similar reformers, with the goal of removing the domination of the nobility. Though have muttered that this was just to purge previous allies of the last dynasty as while the new leaders of the army and civil service were competent they were also major allies of Yeranor. The most direct and long lasting of these changes was the complete gutting of the former council of nobility which help ruled Talithor. The council was proclaimed to be a bloated mess of nobility, and thus it would be stripped to its 'bare bones,' to ensure it was simply just a tool for the Lord Protector.   The title of Lord Protector as stayed with the Esalde family, with some muttering its just an emperorship in everything but name. While the family itself points out if these claims are true then those who spread them only need conviction in order to remove the Esalde. The current holder of the title is Countess Saintirel Eslade, often called the Crimson Countess due to her love of assassination. Many in Barador blame the recent divide between the North and South on her actions, as many moderates have gone missing in recent years. While others speak of her attempts to continue the previous purges of the old dynasty. Yet, despite this reputation few cannot deny that Talithor has entered a time of great stability when compared to its neighbours. With her at the helm expansion into the Southlands have greatly increased, and some speak of how it is only a matter of time before she annexs Southeren Barador.  

Mortem Tyrannis 520 AE-Present

  The dreams of annexation, of a mighty Lord Protector to guide Talithor to a new age of imperium was not to be. Countess Saintirel's legitmacy had fallen over the years, thus she sought a radical way to repair this. She took the last of daughter of the previous dynasty, Dahlia 'Firey', under her wing. She must have hoped to tutor this royal scion to be a figure head and nothing more, a way to ensure her image remained flawless. Instead, Dahlia 'The Provoker' proved to be more shrewd than any could have expected. Over two decades she turned the Lord Protector's Council slowly against Saintirel. This led to a vote on her leadership, with a two thirds voting in lacking faith and confidence. The Countess too stunned by this, is said to have retreated to her estates in shame, staying there in a deep depression. Dahlia took her place as Lord Protector, though she had little intent to keep the title.   She kept the role for only sixty years, using it to mould and in some cases fully remake the Talithorian state. The Council, once appointed only by the Lord Protector became a series of elected positions. The caste system of the more 'monsterous races' was abolished, granting all who served the state equal rights under it. She also sought to open Talithor once more to the world. No more would it hoard its goods and knowledge. She established trade routes through her contacts in the Under Dark. Slowly turning those feared caravans into veins of commerce. Once Talithor was able to old its first elections, she abolished her role as Lord Protector. Though, she remains on the Council now as a popular figure.   These grand reforms were as radical as they were divisive. Much of the former elite lost much of their power and standing in society, while other more traditionalist figures gawked as the Talithor they once knew was taken away from them. Many who opposed these reforms left the Talithorian state, most decided to join the City States. But some raised their banner in defence of the Old Order. What followed was a brief civil war inside of Talithor, ending in a matter of a year. The rebels lacked popular support and thus proved unable to fight a sustained conflict. This does not mean they no longer remain a thorn in Talithor's democracy. They have retreated to the mountains and hills of the border of Barador. From there they still launch attacks and raids on the new institutions of Talithor. One must fear if their terror will ruin the reforms and progress Dahlia 'The Equalist' has so dearly fought for.  

One People of One State

  Talithor was originally founded with diverse backgrounds, with cultures and ideas coming from every part of the former empire. But, due to circumstance and political manoeuvring such diversity cannot be found in the modern state of Talithor. The state ever since its founding has focused its efforts on extreme centralisation. This was due to the lack of manpower and resources, requiring both to be heavily managed to ensure the state's survival. This needed for strong direct leadership has not faded away but arguably strengthened over the years. With the constant wars and skirmishes with Talithor's neighbours and collapse of the Emperorship, the last few generation rulers have sought to only streamline this dependence of bureaucracy. This has led to a formation of the Telvecha, or Peacemongers. This council contains three positions, one for the economy, one for religion and one for the military, with each having near zero limits to their power. Their only limit is the Lord Protector who sets out the agendas for the state, with these three Peacemongers ensuring that their orders are directly heard and passed down through the in depth bureaucracy which makes up the state.   To outsiders this system can appear dystopian, as there is little room for personal thought or freedom to 'interpret' commands. While others may simply have simple systems of governance with little oversight granting extreme leeway to its officials. Talithor has a substantional percentage of its workplace working as clerks and recorders. The purpose of this system is to ensure each part of the state is known and recorded. Though this has led to mockery from other states, with some jesting that Talithor must fell every tree they come across to get enough paper. Talithorians ingore these simple jests and take their pride in their system, for what others see as a thousand pointless reports, a talithorian know it only takes one to stop a famaine from occuring.   The previous system can be seen as a strict hand leading or forcing the people down what was deemed the correct path. Such a system was brought low and recreated by Dahlia 'The Lover.' The new system can be described a shaky but hopeful Representative Democracy. The Council's size was increased to twenty seats, with positions being voted for by the citizens. Elections occur every six years, though in times of crisis such elections have been delayed. The only system to recieve little if any reforms was that of Talithor's grand civil service. Its internal workings far too dense, to complicated for Dahlia 'The Bearer' to attempt to change or even tinker with. Though some have muttered if it requires grand reforms, at it strains under the many new laws and elections it now must track.  

Dusk, Midnight, and Suns

  The Pantheon of Talithor was originally only two dieties. That of Breagadoir and Draiocht. Breagadoir was worshipped as the being which gave Talithor's founders the will to strive out, to forge their own destiny. Talithor's people see ambition as a virtue, as only through grand leaps can greatest victories be found. Draiocht the Archfey is reveared as the being which helped lead the Talithorian people to its lands. They see her as a being of unpartial guidance and knowledge. This has led magic to become a quite common sight in Talithor, as nearly all view it as another path of knowledge to walk down. The most recent addition to the pantheon is that of the Morrigan. Though at first she was not accepted by all the citizens, her cult has found followers in certain circles. These circles are often martial in nature. These gatherings see Morrigan as an example of the perfect warrior, her fury tempered by wisdom only an eternity of war can grant. Her followers are often warriors, who spend as much time training their spirit as they do with their blades. Often they will go for years living a simple life, partaking in few earthly pleasures. Instead, their mind is focused on studying countless wars, while their bodies are drilled. Many take this singular focus to a further extreme. This involves the act of disowning one’s name, freeing themselves of all earthly connection and thus letting their mind truly become a honed edge. Such practices have created a new generation of strategists, though few have found them personable.

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