Judeth "Myrrhine" Aria Character in Ferra | World Anvil
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Judeth "Myrrhine" Aria



Main Pantheon

Grey Pantheon   In the old times, arose Judeth "Myrrhine" Aria, the God of The Waking Mind. Born from the unknown itself, his true parentage shrouded in mystery, he was burdened with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a burning desire for retribution.   Judeth's origins were veiled in obscurity. Rumors whispered of an affair between two deities, their names erased from the books of history. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, Judeth embarked on a quest to unveil the identity of his elusive father, whose existence haunted his waking thoughts.   Driven to madness by the ceaseless whispers of his mysterious lineage, Judeth ignited the flames of conflict, sparking the cataclysmic God War. With chaos reigning across the heavens, he saw opportunity amidst the turmoil—to use the war as a means to vanquish his unknown progenitor, whose shadow loomed large over his existence.   In the crucible of battle, amidst the clash of Silver Bellaris, Judeth wielded the power of The Waking Mind and Madness. His poison was a weapon that could kill anyone who resides within the World, even to Owari herself.   Yet, victory remained elusive, and as the dust of battle settled, Judeth found himself consumed by the flames of defeat by a... Mortal. Cast down from his Divine Life, his essence scattered across the Rose World itself, a forgotten deity that is simply now known as a monstrous God who broke the god war.   But fate is a fickle mistress, and in the ebb and flow of time, the threads of destiny intertwined once more. Judeth was revived, his essence brought back once more in the mortal realm.   Now, resurrected from the ashes of his former glory, Judeth "Myrrhine" Aria walks amongst mortals once more, his divine purpose reignited. With fervor and determination, he now seeks to reestablish the ancient faith of his once-great religion, drawing disciples to his cause with promises of true madness & to find his unknown father that still calls within his very being.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

1. Embrace the Unpredictable: Celebrate the unpredictable and ever-changing nature of existence.   2. Question Reality: Dare to challenge the perceived boundaries of reality and explore the depths of consciousness.   3. Embrace Individuality: Celebrate the uniqueness of every sentient being and embrace your quirks and differences.   4. Revel in Madness: Embrace madness not as disorder, but as a gateway to new perspectives and insights, NOW.


Contacts & Relations

The Mad
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of The Waking Mind


Holy Symbol/Sigil
An oak tree that is decaying from the bottom

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Character Portrait image: by Firescribe


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