< Void Subclasses > in Ferra | World Anvil
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< Void Subclasses >


  Void Sub-classes are very powerful sub-classes that will affect The World in a very massive way. Any features of each sub-class gain their power from the nothingness instead of it's usual source. E.g. Your Ki is energy from the rose garden instead of life energy. Alternatively, you may gain this power from the Twilight, specifically the Starspawn. If you pick the Void, The World will hate you. If you pick the Starspawn, you will not be able to come back from death.   You can only pick a void sub-class at character creation or until an event happens that turns you into one. You cannot take a void sub-class and also take the optional Abyssal Buffs at Level 3+.    


Path of the Erasure
3rd Level Feature
Erasing Presence
When you activate your rage, a 10ft field begins to form around you. Any magic items, spells or magical abilities end regardless of time left. The aura works like the antimagic field spell for the purpose of effects.   Each time an effect is negated it gives you an additional +1 rage damage to a max equal to your prof mod, this benefit lasts until the end of the rage. This only applies when a passive effect is ended or tries to be activated in the aura.   6th Level Feature
Touch of the Void
While your rage is active, as a bonus action you can choose an amount of creatures equal to your prof mod within 60ft of you. The chosen creature becomes immune to the effects of Dispel magic, Counterspell, and Antimagic field. This effect lasts until the end of the rage.   You may only use this feature once per long rest, or until you expend another rage to rage again.   10th level Feature
A Garden of People
You gain the ability to cast dispel magic & counterspell, you still cannot cast the spell while raging. The level of the spell is half your level (Rounded Up).   Once you cast either of these spells, you cannot do so until your next long rest or until you expend a rage.   14th Level Feature
Erasing Sorrow
Over the course of 1 hour during a long rest, you can cast a ritual on one magic item, until your next long rest that item is immune to your erasing presence aura but will still give the +1 bonus if it is a passive effect.   If the item is destroyed or breaks in any way, the item will return on your next long rest when you cast the ritual again.
Path of the Nulled
3rd Level Feature
Nulled Soul
While raging, once per turn when you make an attack roll with advantage against the creature you can choose to forgo your advantage and choose to roll normally. If the attack should hit, you deal an additional XD6 void damage equal to your barbarian level. E.g. level 3 would mean additional 3d6 dice.   If your attack should miss, then you take that damage instead as Void damage (This cannot be reduced in any way)   6th Level Feature
Nulling One's Fate
When you take damage that you cannot resist with your rage, roll 2d20. If at least one should be a 1 or a 20, then you do not take the damage. If both are a 1 or 20 (They do not need to be the same number) then you heal the same amount of damage that should be taken.   Once this effect has successfully activated before a long rest, you regain one rage.   10th level Feature
Fighting The Rule of Roses
When you miss an attack roll, you can reroll the attack (You must take the new roll). All damage dice are converted into Void Damage if the new roll hits.   You can use this feature equal to your prof mod, the use is only expended if the attack hits.   14th Level Feature
Explosion of Colour
When you are reduced to 0 hit points and your relentless rage feature fails or you choose not to use it, your body will explode into a chromatic ray of colours. Each creature of your choice within 30ft of you, must make a WIS save (DC uses your con) or undergo the banishment spell. You still concentrate on the spell (even when unconscious), and after the full minute has ended they are trapped within the Void Garden.
Path of the Roses
3rd Level Feature
Thorns of The World
All save DCs from this subclass use your Constitution modifier. (8+prof+CON)   When you activate your rage, roll a d13. Depending on your roll will depend on which plane of the world you connect with and gain effects based on the colour, a rose will appear on your body (The physical appearance of this form is up to you):
d13 Roses
  • 1. Red Rose - You gain resistance to Acid Damage, and can cast Entangle as a bonus action on your turns.

  • 2. White Rose - You gain resistance to Necrotic Damage, and can cast Inflict Wounds as a bonus action on your turns.

  • 3. Blue Rose - You gain immunity to non-magical bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing and can cast Heroism as a bonus action once per rage.

  • 4. Brown Rose - You gain resistance to Lightning Damage, and you can cast Thunderwave as a bonus action on your turns.

  • 5. Orange Rose - You gain resistance to Fire Damage, and you can cast Burning Hands as a bonus action on your turns.

  • 6. Turquoise Rose - You gain resistance to Cold Damage, and you can cast Chaos Bolt as a bonus action on your turns.

  • 7. Green Rose - You gain resistance to Thunder Damage, You can cast Compelled Duel as a bonus action on your turns.

  • 8. Black Rose - You gain resistance to Fire damage, you can cast Hellish Rebuke as a reaction without spell slots.

  • 9. Lilac Rose - You become immune to magically being put to sleep, and have advantage against being charmed, you can cast Sleep at a level equal to half your barbarian level (Rounded up) once per rage.

  • 10. Purple Rose - You become ethereal at the end of your turn, creatures have disadvantage against you on attack rolls if it is not your turn.

  • 11. Yellow Rose - You become immune to the prone, restrained, and grappled condition, once per turn when you strike a creature with an attack roll you can cause them to make a CON save or have any spell affects or conditions on you transferred to them instead.

  • 12. Pink Rose - You become resistant to Poison Damage, you can cast Animate Dead once per rage and without the use of components. Once your rage ends, the raised creatures will turn hostile.

  • 13. Glass Rose - Roll 2d12 and you gain the benefits of both Roses. If the 2 numbers are the same, then reroll one again until you get a new number.

All effects end when your rage ends.   6th Level Feature
A Rose, A Choice
When you roll for a rose on your Thorns of the world feature you can choose to reroll but must choose one of either rolled.   While in your rose form, you can expend a rage to switch to another rolled rose.   10th level Feature
Blessings on Those Who Follow
Your resistances from your rose turn into immunity, any 1st level spells from the roses are upcasted to 2nd level.   14th Level Feature
Petals of Creation
Once per long rest, you can choose 2 roses when you rage instead of rolling. Once you activate your rage, choose any creature of your choice within 30ft of you, they gain damage resistances/conditions that you have immunity to.


College of The Nulled
College of Betrayal
College of ????


Erasure Domain
1st Level Feature
Nothing's Grasp
When a magical effect is targeted at you may roll a 1d20 if it's lower or equal to your cleric level then the effect is nullified; If the spell level is more than your WIS mod the roll has disadvantage.   The Void's Pull
You know the summon void cantrip. If you do not cast it before your next long rest, you have disadvantage on your next save, attack roll, and skill check in combat after the rest.   2nd Level Channel Divinity
The Essence of Nothing
Present your holy symbol as an action towards an object or a creature. If it's a creature they must make a WIS save or have all magical effects including magic items nullified for rounds equal to your WIS modifier. If it is an object, its magical properties are completely erased permanently if it isn't attuned or held by a creature. If the item is attuned then it loses its attunement to the creature but still has its magical properties. You feel a chill when you use it though...   6th Level Feature
Improved Nullification
When you null a spell you may use it yourself equal to half your WIS mod(rounded down) times.   8th level Feature
The Touch of Nothing
When you use the Improved Nullification feature, the spell cast will always use the maximum number on the die.

The summon void cantrip effect can be chosen to be negated or not after knowing the effect.   17th Level Feature
True Nothingness
Choose one creature that you have met within the past 13 hours, they must make a Wis save or be completely erased from existence including everything they are holding on them. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Erasure Domain Spells

Each domain has a list of spells-its domain spells that you gain at the cleric levels noted in the domain description. Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
If you have a domain spell that doesn't appear on the cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a cleric spell for you.

Darkness Domain
1st Level Feature
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. Additionally, you gain proficiency with martial weapons.   Eyes of the Night
You gain devilsight with a range of 60 feet. If you already have devilsight, its range increases by 30 feet.   2nd Level Channel Divinity
Shadow Form
At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to transform into a shadowy form. As an action, you become a shadowy figure for 1 minute or until you dismiss the effect as a bonus action. While in this form, you gain the following benefits:  
  • You have resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • You can move through objects and creatures as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object or creature.
  • You can't cast spells or use your weapons or equipment, but you can make unarmed strikes that deal 2d10 necrotic damage and use your wisdom modifier to hit.
  6th Level Feature
Shadow Magic
Starting at 6th level, you can use your action to conjure a veil of shadows that envelops yourself and one willing creature of your choice within 30 feet of you. The veil lasts for 1 minute and grants the following benefits:  
  • You and the chosen creature gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
  • You and the chosen creature have resistance to one damage type of your choice beside slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing.
  Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.   8th level Feature
Potent Spellcasting
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.   17th Level Feature
Umbral Guardian
At 17th level, you gain the ability to call forth an Umbral Guardian. As an action, you can expend a spell slot to summon a shadowy void entity to fight alongside you. The Guardian has hit points equal to twice the spell slot level you expended, and it remains for a number of hours equal to your cleric level. The Guardian is friendly to you and your allies and obeys your commands. It is under your control and takes its turn immediately after yours. The Guardian has the following statistics:  

Umbral Guardian

Small aberration, unaligned
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: Hit points equal to 5 times the spell slot level expended
Speed: 60 ft


11 +0


11 +0


11 +0


11 +0


11 +0


11 +0

Damage Resistances: Necrotic
Damage Immunities: Psychic
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Stunned
Languages: Understands Primordial as well as any languages you speak

Stats: This creature's ability scores are 10+the Spell Slot Level used   Size: This creature's size is determined by the Spell Slot used to summon it up to a max size of Gargantuan.  

  • Lvl 1=Small
  • Lvl 2=Medium
  • Lvl 3=Large
  • Lvl 4=Huge
  • Lvl 5=Gargantuan


Attack: Melee weapon attack, +[Spell slot+Prof Mod] to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d8 void damage.

  Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Darkness Domain Spells

Each domain has a list of spells-its domain spells that you gain at the cleric levels noted in the domain description. Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
If you have a domain spell that doesn't appear on the cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a cleric spell for you.

Void Domain


Circle of the Aberration
2nd Level Features
Primordial Form
The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform into creatures of creation. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a Aberration with a challenge rating as high as 1 (You are still limited to the CR rating for beasts on the wild shape table).   Starting at 6th level, you can transform into a Aberration with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down.  

Aberration Shapes

LevelMax CRLimitations
2nd1No flying or swimming speed
4th1No flying speed
6th2No flying speed
  Mind of The Fallen
You cannot use spellcasting features of the creature you wild shape into but you can concentrate and cast spells while still in wild shape. When you are reduced to 0 hit points while in your wild shape, you automatically lose concentration on a spell regardless of your con save.   6th Level Feature
Primordial Strike
Starting at 6th level, your attacks in primordial form count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.   10th Level Feature
Call of Dead
At 10th level, you can expend two uses of Wild Shape at the same time to transform into a Beholder Zombie or Vampiric Mind Flayer.   14th Level Feature
Primordial Gift
By 14th level you have gained the understanding of the creatures beyond the world, once per long rest you can cast the Summon Aberration spell at a level equal to half your level (Rounded up) and you can choose all three options instead of one.   You also gain immunity to psychic damage when your summons are out as they become connected to you.

Circle of the Rose Garden
Circle of the One-Eyed Queen


Void Knight
3rd Level Features
Knight of The Queen
As a bonus action for 1 minute, you can choose a style and use it, each style gives a passive bonus and you can switch styles as a bonus action;   Attack: You gain +2 to attacks and damage, and you have advantage on your first attack in combat. You have -2 to your AC.   Defence: You gain +2 AC and attacks against you have disadvantage, you have a -2 to your attack while in this form.   Shield: You gain +5 AC and you reduce damage taken against you by d10+proficiency, however you cannot take the attack action. If an ally is within 5ft of you and is targeted by an attack or spell, you can choose to take the attack/spell instead.   Seer: You can use your reaction to reroll an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw that you or another creature makes within 30ft of you.   Caster: You gain 2 cantrips of your choice, and a 1st level spell (Once you pick the subclass, you keep the cantrips and spell chosen but cannot cast the spell unless in this form). You can cast the spell equal to your prof modifier.   You can activate your Knightly form a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   Void Knightly Form
While your Knight of The Queen feature is active, you also gain the following benefits;  
  • Your weapon attacks deal an additional d6 Void damage
  • You gain temp hp equal to d10+fighter level.
  • You are immune to the prone condition, and cannot be moved against your will.
  7th Level Feature
Garden's Grace
Your Knightly Form damage die is a D8, you can choose two styles and activate them at the same time. You also become immune to the restrained and grappled condition.   10th Level Feature
Improved Garden's Grace
Your Knightly Form damage die is a D10, you can choose three styles and activate them at the same time. You also become immune to the stunned condition.   15th Level Feature
The Void Queen's Army
You can cast conjure woodland creatures once per long rest, you do not concentrate on the spell, as it goes its full duration. You can choose aberrations and not just face creatures when you choose to cast the spell this way.   18th Level Feature
True Chosen of The Queen
You lose the debuff effects of your styles, and your Knightly form damage die is a D12. Additionally you become immune to all conditions that you do not want to be affected by.
Nulled Warrior
3rd Level Features
Nulling Attacks
When you hit a creature or object with a weapon attack, you can choose to apply the dispel magic spell to the creature/object you hit. The level of the spell is half your fighter level (Rounded Up) and the ability check of the spell uses your STR/DEX (Your choice).   You can use this feature equal to your prof modifier, and regain all expended uses on a short and long rest.   Nulling Body
You have advantage against spells and spell-like abilities, additionally if you score a nat 20 critical hit against a creature. You can choose to lock one of its abilities/features for the next 13 hours.   7th Level Feature
Penalties of Nothing
When you are critically hit, you can use your reaction to become immune to being critically hit until the end of your next turn. While this effect is active, you are unable to critically hit a creature too.   10th Level Feature
Call of The Nulled One
You gain a fly speed of 30ft, if you already have a fly speed then add 30ft to it. While flying you can critically hit on nat 18s or higher. Once you score a critical hit with an 18 or 19, you cannot use this feature again until a long rest or until you use the Penalties of Nothing feature again.   15th Level Feature
Form of The Nulled One
As a bonus action, you can turn into a form of the creatures that grant you your power for 1 minute. While in this form, your critical hit threshold is 15 or higher but so are attacks against you.   At the start of every turn while in this form, roll a d6. The number on the Die determines the effect you have until the start of your next turn.   1 = +10 AC
2 = +10 to hit
3 = Crit threshold 10 but also against you
4 = First attack on turn deals additional damage equal to your current missing hit points
5 = You regain hit points equal to your fighter level + con mod
6 = You cannot lose or gain hit points except from world damage.   18th Level Feature
Pulled into Nothing
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to go to 1 instead. You become immune to damage until the start of your next turn, and your next attack is at advantage. Your next weapon attack will apply the banishing smite spell, the hp threshold of the spell is increased to 100 hit points. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Darkness Incarnation
3rd Level Features
Exploring The Darkness
As a bonus action, you assume a form of complete darkness becoming a silhouette of their former self for 1 minute. You gain the following features while in this form;   When you start your turn in dim light or darkness, you become invisible until you use your action to attack or cast a spell.   When creatures start their turn within 10ft of you, they take d4 Void damage and give you advantage on attack rolls against them until the end of your next turn.   While in this form, you gain resistance to necrotic damage and all weapon attacks can be necrotic instead of their normal damage type.   One With Nightmares
You can cast the darkness spell equal to your prof modifier, you can see through the darkness you cast as you see it as a translucent grey. Creatures who are affected by the spell who move into or start their turn within the darkness must make a CON save against your DC (8+prof+con), or they become restrained until the start of your turn and take d8 void damage.   As a bonus action you can move the darkness spell, only if you have casted it using this feature.   7th Level Feature
Blackened Soul
While in your Exploring The Darkness form, When you deal necrotic or void damage to a creature/s, they cannot be healed until the start of your next turn. Additionally once per turn any damage dealt by you with these damage types heal you by half the amount dealt (You can choose when to heal).   All creatures of your choice within 30ft, gain 15ft blindsight and can turn invisible while in darkness as an action. Additionally your darkness will not affect creatures that you choose.   10th Level Feature
Darkness Shining
Your darkness expands to 30ft instead and your Exploring The Darkness form damage now uses a D8 instead of a D4.   15th Level Feature
Returning to Nothing
When you end your turn in darkness, you gain temp hp equal to your fighter level. Additionally, anyone in the darkness besides you gains vulnerability to necrotic damage. If the creature is resistant or immune then the damage becomes normal.   18th Level Feature
To The Garden
When the spell goes through its full duration, and ends after 1 minute, the darkness will collapse into a black hole. All creatures besides you inside the darkness spell take 8d10 necrotic damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage is Voided. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine grey dust.


Way of The Void
3rd Level Features
Spell Maker
On a long rest, you can choose spells equal to your prof mod and must be half your level (Rounded Down) or lower. You can expend Ki points equal the spells level to cast the spell without the components. You gain 2 cantrips of your choice and the Summon Void Cantrip that must be cast every 13 hours. The spell-casting mod uses your wisdom.   Gift of The Void
Once per long rest, When you hit a target with your unarmed strike you can apply a 9th level dispel magic.   6th Level Features
Void's Blessing
You can use the Deflect Missile Feature against range spell attacks. If you make a successful save against a spell, you can use your reaction to expend Ki equal to the spells level casted on you to reflect the spell back to the caster.   11th Level Feature
End The World
When you use your flurry of blows, you gain temp hp at the end of your turn equal to the amount of damage dealt this current turn. The creature who reduces the temp hp to 0 must make a wis save or undergo the banishment spell for 1 hour, You can expend additional ki to increase the time by 1 hour per ki.   You can only use the banishment feature, once per long rest.   17th Level Feature
The Rose Garden
Once per long rest, when you can hit a creature with an unarmed strike you can expend 10 ki points to erase a creature from the world. They must a succeed a Wis save or undergo the Void Death effect.
Way of The Nothingness
3rd Level Features
Erasing Touch
As an action, you can touch a creature and expend ki to cleanse them of harm or benefits. When a creature within 5ft of you is afflicted either by a spell or spell-like effect, you can spend ki equal to the spell level to remove the effect regardless of the time left.   When this effect is used onto an enemy they must succeed a dex save against your ki saving throw DC, you can also apply erasing touch on a flurry of blows and it will not consume the ki.   Walking into nothing, Mother.
When you dash or disengage with your step of the wind, any spot you walk/dash will leave a trail of endless stars that last until the start of your next turn. This obscures vision and counts as full cover that can be walked through, when a creature passes 5ft through this effect they take d4 Void damage.   6th Level Features
Immoral Belief
When you attack with a flurry of blows, you can expend an additional ki point to force the creature to make a WIS save against your ki save DC. On a failure the creature will be banished until the start of your next turn.   While a creature is banished from this effect, you undergo the sanctuary spell.   Nothing Lasts
Once per turn, when you score a natural 20 against a creature, you can choose to apply one of the following effects:  
  • Disarray: The creature becomes frightened for 1 minute, or until it is 15ft away from you.
  • Chaos: You roll a d20, the creature takes additional damage equal to the roll. If the roll is a 20 or 1 then they take double damage from the critical hit.
  • Nothingness: You undergo the blink spell for 1 minute, and the creature becomes vulnerable to void damage.
  11th Level Feature
An Eye Watches
You gain additional ki equal to your prof, this ki can only be used for flurry of blows and step of the wind.   When this additional ki is all expended, you gain temp hp equal to your current monk level.   17th Level Feature
Strike of The Queen
Once per long rest, when you hit a creature. They are reduced to 0 hit points and their body disappears into the void. Creatures with a resistance/immunity to void damage are immune to this effect.
Way of The World Breaker
3rd Level Features
When you are within 5ft of another creature, you can use a grapple attack at advantage and can choose between using a Dexterity Check (Acrobatics) or Strength check (Athletics) for the grapple attack.   When a creature is successfully grappled/restrained by this feature, you can replace one of your flurry of blows to launch the enemy either horizontally or vertically into the air by an amount of feet equal to your DEX/STR score (Your choice) rounded down to the nearest 5. E.g. 17 DEX score would be 15ft launch. After this effect, they lose their grappled/restrained condition.   When a creature takes fall damage within 10ft of you, they take martial arts die damage for every 5ft they have fallen instead of 10ft and d10.   DO NOT STOP ME
When a creature within 10ft of you is in the air either by flight or falling, you can use your reaction to make another Grapple Attack, if you are successful at the grapple then you move them within 5ft of you and deal martial arts dice plus your Dexterity/Strength modifier in Void damage. The amount of martial arts dice is equal to your proficiency modifier. If the creature was falling, then they take the fall damage in addition to the additional damage from this feature.   You can use this feature equal to your proficiency modifier, and regain all expended uses on a short or long rest.   6th Level Features
When you make a successful grapple attack against a creature, you can choose to use the stunning strike feature. Additionally when you use your step of the wind feature and move at least 30ft, you can make an unarmed strike.   11th Level Feature
Your DO NOT FALL TO HEATHENS feature now adds your DEX and STR score to the launch distance.   Once per long rest, when you launch a creature into the air you can replace one of your flurry of blows to jump up to them by the same amount of distance (As long as your current movement speed matches the distance) and apply any fall damage you take to the creature instead.   17th Level Feature
When you deal fall damage equal to or more than 50, then the creature must make a CON save against your ki save DC. If the creature fails the save, then it becomes paralysed for 1 minute as gravity pushes the creature down.


Blank Oath
A paladin who has the power not to break oaths, but completely erase them. Usually brought about by another Blank Oath paladin taking away their own divinity, these once holy warriors now absorb others Channel Divinities to use as their own.   3rd Level Features
Versatile Channel Divinity
You gain access to two Channel Divinity options of your choice from any Paladin subclass. You can use your Channel Divinity as if it were that option. Choose one from the available options provided in the Player's Handbook or other official D&D 5e sourcebooks. While the other can be from any Ferra custom subclass or Player's Handbook.   7th Level Feature
Versatile Aura
Your Aura gains the power of change. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose one Aura to radiate from the available options provided by other paladin subclasses. The chosen Auras affect you and any friendly creatures within 10 feet of you. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.   15th Level Feature
Indomitable Versatility
You gain the ability to alter your Blank Channel Divinity choices. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can swap one or both of your chosen Channel Divinity options with different options from any Paladin subclass. The restriction on homebrew still affects one of them.   20th Level Feature

Blank Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed

Oath of Roses
Oath of Nulling



Gardener Prepared Spells

You learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Gardener Spells table. Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.

Ranger LevelSpells
5thWither and Bloom
9thSpirit Shroud
17thFar Step
  3rd Level Features
Gardener's Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to talk to nature and understand it. Once per long rest, you can cast speak with plants without components and this spell will always be prepared which will not count towards your known spells. You also know the druidcraft cantrip.   Additionally, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Gardener Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.   Chores of Nothing
When you roll for initiative, you can roll an additional Initiative and choose an ally within 60ft of you. They can choose to use your roll instead of their own, and gain temp hp equal to the number rolled.   Additionally, You gain a new resource called Petals. You have a number of these petals equal to twice your proficiency bonus, and can be used for the following effects;  
  • You can use a bonus action to expend an amount of petals of your choosing and choose creatures equal to the amount of petals expended. They regain hit points equal to your Ranger level + WIS mod.
  • Once per turn, when you hit with a weapon attack, you can expend petals to deal additional damage with the Void element. The damage is 1d8 for 2 petals, plus 1d8 for each additional 2 petals expended, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is a favoured enemy, to a maximum of 6d8.
  • When you cast a level spell that is the same number or lower as your proficiency bonus (e.g. prof mod 2 = 2nd level or lower), you can expend 2 petals to not concentrate on that spell but the duration of the spell is halved. (Additionally you still have to roll concentration checks when you take damage).
  6th Level Feature
Petal Guard
You gain two additional features that you can expend your petals to do, the following being;  
  • When a creature that you can see is hit with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to expend 1 petal. The creature gains AC equal to your proficiency modifier, and if the attack would still hit the creature you can make a weapon attack against the attacker.
  • When you are at half your hit point maximum or lower, you can use your action to expend 3 petals and gain resistance to a single damage type that you have taken damage to within the past minute. This affects ends when you are no longer at half your hit point maximum or lower and you regain the expended petals.
  10th Level Feature
Guardian of The Garden
You can give allies your petals, while your ally has a petal and is reduced to 0 hit points; they will instead be reduced to 1 and the petal will disappear. A creature may only benefit from this effect every 13 hours.   When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can expend 1 petal to be reduced to 1 instead, you can benefit from this effect an amount of times equal to double your prof mod.   14th Level Feature
The Queen's Blessing
When you start combat with 0 petals, you gain an amount of petals equal to your prof mod.   When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points within 10ft of you, you gain 1 petal and can use your reaction to use 4 petals to conjure a Corpse Flower out of the dead creature. The Corpse flower only starts with one corpse on it which is the one you use this feature on.   It remains animated for 1 hour, after which time it collapses and dies.   In combat, the Corpse Flower's turn comes immediately after yours. It obeys your mental commands, and can use its actions and bonus actions that are on its stat block or some other action.

Rose-Cutter Prepared Spells

You learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Rose-Cutter Spells table. Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.

  3rd Level Features
Rose-Cutter Magic
You learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Rose-Cutter Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.   Roses End
During a long rest, you can perform a 1 hour ritual to summon a Rose-Cutter weapon. The weapon's form must be a simple or martial weapon of your choice. The weapon emanates 1ft of bright red light, and counts as a magical weapon for the purpose of overcoming non-magical resistance. Additionally you can use this weapon as a spell-casting focus for ranger spells.   If the weapon is lost or destroyed, you can do another 1 hour ritual to resummon your weapon back to you. You can choose to change the weapon's new form when you use this effect.   The weapon becomes stronger as you grow, it gains additional effects as it becomes a +1/+2/+3 weapon at character levels 4/8/12. Additionally, you can meld a magical weapon into your Rose-Cutter over the course of an hour gaining the magic items effects. You can only gain the benefits of one magical weapon at a time. As a bonus action, you can switch the form of your weapon to your Rose-Cutter form or the magical weapons original form.   World's Cut
While wielding your Rose-Cutter you gain the following benefits:  
  • Once per turn, your weapon damage does additional 1d8 Void damage. At 10th level this turns to 2d8.
  • When you score a critical hit against a creature with a nat 20, you deal additional d10s equal to your prof mod in void damage. The creature cannot regain hit points for the next minute.
  • When you miss an attack against a creature, you gain temp hp equal to your prof mod.
  If you are wielding a two-handed Rose-Cutter weapon, you gain +2 AC but cannot benefit from a shield if you manage to wield one.   6th Level Feature
Rose's Thorn
When you are hit by a weapon attack while wielding your Rose-cutter, you can use your reaction to sprout thorns from your weapon. The attacker must make a DEX save against your spell save DC. On a failure, they take your weapons damage as if you had rolled an attack against them. On a success, they take no damage.   You can use this feature an amount of times, equal to your prof mod. You regain all expended uses on a long rest.   10th Level Feature
Vile Cuts
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack using your Rose-Cutter, you can choose to force the creature to make a CON save against your spellcasting DC. On a failure, the creature becomes paralysed for 1 minute. At the end of each of their turns, they can repeat the save to break free from this effect. On a success, the creature takes 2d10 void damage.   Once you have used this feature, you must wait until a long rest to use it again.   14th Level Feature
Gloomy Might
When you cast a spell and use your Rose-Cutter as the spell-casting focus, the spell rolls an additional dice. If the spell is an effect, then the duration of the spell lasts for additional rounds equal to your prof mod + WIS mod.   You can use this feature an amount of times, equal to your prof mod. You regain all expended uses on a long rest.

Blossom Prepared Spells

You learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Blossom Spells table. Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.

  3rd Level Features
Blossom Magic
You learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Blossom Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.   A Blossoming Rose
When you cast a 1st level spell or higher that heals a creature, you can give additional healing of 2 + Spell Level.   You can cast Cure Wounds or Healing Word. You can cast each of these spells without expending a spell slot. Once you cast either of these spells in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. The spells are always prepared and you can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level.   Watching the Garden
When a creature within 30ft of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to apply a blossom to them. While a creature has a blossom, they can choose to use their bonus action to heal D10 + Your Ranger Level in hit points. The blossom lasts for 10 minutes before it disappears.   You can use this feature equal to your WIS modifier, and regain all uses on a long rest.   6th Level Feature
Blossom Explosion
When a creature has a blossom and hits with an attack roll against a creature, they can choose to expend the blossom and deal additional void damage equal to d10 + You Ranger Level.   10th Level Feature
Array of Roses
While a creature has your blossom they gain these effects; they are immune to being frightened and gain temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier at the start of each of its turns. When the blossom is expended, the effect ends but the temp hp stays.   14th Level Feature
Pray of The Cataclysm
When you heal a creature with a 1st level spell or higher, you can deal the same amount you healed as void damage to another creature within the same range as your casted spell. If the spell targets multiple creatures then you can target the same amount of enemies for the damage (Cannot choose the same creature twice).


Steps of Nothing
3rd Level Feature
Silent Step
Your steps no longer have sound as where you walk, the void follows. When you make a dex check (stealth) you roll with advantage, and can add your INT mod to the roll. Additionally your movement speed increases by 10ft, and you gain a climb speed equal to your walk speed.   Nothingness Within
Your body has been altered by the Void to enter spaces that are usually impossible. As an action, you can conjure a 5ft square lockbox made of wood for 1 minute (AC - 10 / HP - Rogue Level * 5), the inside is bigger than the outside as the inside of the box is a 100ft cube. Only objects can be stored inside, and any creature trying to enter will instead be pushed out. You are the only living creature capable of entering and leaving, you can only stay inside the lockbox for an amount of hours equal to your prof mod after which you will be pushed out. You can desummon the box as a bonus action, and if you are inside it as you desummon it, then when you resummon it’ll be in the same space.   9th Level Feature
Watchful Gaze
As an action, instead of summoning your lockbox you can instead choose to summon a spectral key. While you hold the key and you are within 5ft of a humanoid, you can cast the Dominate Person spell with a range of touch as you place the key into their forehead. If the creature lacks a forehead then you can place it into anywhere you are capable of touching it.   13th Level Feature
Steps of Nothingness
You are always under the Pass Without Trace Spell, you can touch a number of creatures equal to your prof mod and make them undergo this effect too for a number of hours equal to your prof mod. A creature can only benefit from this effect once per long rest.   17th Level Feature
Watchful Gaze II
As an action, instead of summoning your lockbox you can instead choose to summon a spectral key. While you hold the key and you are within 5ft of a creature, you can cast the Dominate Monster spell with a range of touch as you place the key into their forehead. If the creature lacks a forehead then you can place it into anywhere you are capable of touching it.   Additionally a creature under the Dominate Monster spell is capable of being put into your lockbox, if they are, then the spell duration is paused and concentration ends until you take them out again as the creature is frozen in time along with any of its effects.
Hand of Erasing
3rd Level Feature
Cantrips: You learn three cantrips: mage hand and two other cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn another wizard cantrip of your choice at 10th level.   Spell Slots: The Hand of Erasing Spellcasting uses Arcane Trickster and shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell charm person and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast charm person using either slot.   Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher: You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must choose from the abjuration and Evocation spells on the wizard spell list. The Spells Known column of the Arcane Trickster Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an abjuration or Evocation spell of your choice, and must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.   The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic.   Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, and it must be an abjuration or evocation spell, unless you're replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any school of magic.   Spellcasting Ability: Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your spells through dedicated study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.  
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Dispelling Hand
When you cast mage hand, you can make the spectral hand invisible, and you can perform the following additional tasks with it:
  • You can use your action to touch a magical effect, the magical effect undergoes the effect of a dispel magic spell at a level equal to half your rogue level (Rounded Up).
  • You can cast Abjuration & Evocation spells through your mage hand.
  • You can use thieves' tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range.
  You can perform one of these tasks without being noticed by a creature if you succeed on a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by the creature's Wisdom (Perception) check.   In addition, you can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to control the hand.   9th Level Feature
Touch of Erasing
You mage hand can now be up to 120ft away from you as long as it is still within your sight.   As an action you can touch a creature with your mage hand, the creature must make a CHA save against your spell save DC or be banished until the start of your next turn.   13th Level Feature
Slashing of Magic
When you deal sneak attack damage to a creature, as part of that same action you can choose to to control the mage hand.   In addition, you can choose to make a weapon attack through your mage hand as a bonus action.   17th Level Feature
Eye of The Queen
Immediately after a creature casts a spell that targets you or includes you in its area of effect, you can use your reaction to force the creature to make a saving throw with its spellcasting ability modifier. The DC equals your spell save DC. On a failed save, you negate the spell's effect against you, and you steal the knowledge of the spell if it is at least 1st level and of a level you can cast (it doesn't need to be a wizard spell). For the next 8 hours, you know the spell and can cast it using your spell slots. The creature disappears from reality, never to return unless through the use of a wish spell.   Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Silent Darkness
3rd Level Feature
Shadow Step
You gain the ability to teleport between shadows. As a bonus action, you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space that is in dim light or darkness. You must be able to see the destination space, or you can't use this feature. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   Umbral Sight
You gain devilsight out to a range of 30 feet. If you already have devilsight, its range increases by 30 feet. In addition, you are proficient in the Stealth skill if you are already proficient then you can pick another skill of your choice.   9th Level Feature
Shadow Strike
You gain the ability to strike your foes from the shadows with deadly accuracy. When you attack a creature within darkness or dim light, you can add your Sneak Attack damage to the attack, even if you don't have advantage on the attack roll.   13th Level Feature
Cloak of Shadows
You can use your bonus action to become invisible until the start of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   17th Level Feature
Watchful Gaze II
You can temporarily blind your foes with a devastating strike. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can choose to expend one of your uses of Sneak Attack to force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature is blinded until the end of your next turn.


Darkness Within
1st Level Features
Creeping Shadow
Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to target a spell or spell-like effect within 30ft and roll a d8. The effect is then suppressed for that number of rounds equal to the roll on the die. If you target a magic item, then that item will become non-magical for rounds equal to half of what you have rolled (Rounded down) to a minimum of 1.   You can use this feature once per long rest, or unless you expend a sorcery point.  

Darkness Spells

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Darkness Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an Abjuration or Evocation spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.

  Shaded Soul
You count as an aberration for the purpose of spells, you gain the following benefits while you count as this creature type;   When you roll an ability to dispel a spell or magical effect your minimum roll is equal to your sorcerer level.   Whenever you dispel a spell within 60ft of you, you regain a spell slot equal to the spell level that has been dispelled. If you do not have a spell slot for that spell level, then you regain one of your highest level spells slots instead.   You can use both of these features equal to your CHA modifier and they count as the same resource, and regain all expended uses on a long rest.   6th Level Feature
Bleak End
When you cast a spell that requires an ability check, you gain temp hp equal to 2+spell level. While you have at least one temp hp from this feature, you cannot be targeted by abjuration spells.   14th Level Feature
Returning to your Roots
As a bonus action, you can allow the blood of your ancestor to take hold. You transform into a Void Creature, and gain the following benefits;   Your size changes to large and anything you carry will meld into your skin.   You gain a fly speed of 30ft and can hover, if you already fly speed then add an additional 30ft to it instead.   At the start of your turn, you can choose a creature within 10ft of you. They must make a CHA save against your spellcasting DC or undergo the banishment spell until the start of your next turn.   When you make an attack roll against a creature, you do so at advantage.   18th Level Feature
Touch of The Queen
You have an understanding of the world and what it truly is, you gain 30ft Truesight and cannot be blinded.   When someone casts a spell within your truesight, you do not need to make any ability checks to dispel magics; additionally when you make a successful save against a spell or spell-like ability you take no damage or effect.
1st Level Features
Burning Blood
Your blood is not visible to the normal eye, it burns and corrupts those who touch it. Once per turn, when you take damage from a creature within 10ft, your blood will spring forth and attack back. Roll a d6, if the number is 5 or 6 they take d8+sorcerer level in Void damage and gain the poisoned condition until the end of their current turn.   Shape of your Ancestor
On a long rest, you can do a 1 hour long ritual to form your blood into a weapon. The form of the weapon must be a simple or martial weapon and you gain proficiency in that weapon. You can use your CHA mod instead of STR/DEX on attack and damage rolls, as long as the weapon doesn’t have the two-handed or heavy property. The weapon gains its bonus at sorcerer level 4/8/12, the bonus being +1/+2/+3.   Additionally your blood hardens your skin and makes you more durable, while not wearing armour you gain bonus AC equal to 10+CHA+DEX.   6th Level Feature
Lacking Empathy
Your burning blood die is a d10 instead of a d8 and you can choose the damage type as a reaction instead of void damage.   When you use this feature, you gain resistance to the damage type that damaged you and your selected element until the start of your next turn (If there are multiple damage types that harmed you on a single attack, then you choose one).   You can use this once per long rest, or until you expend 2 sorcery points.   14th Level Feature
Lacking Humanity
Your burning blood die is a d12 instead of a d10 and you now gain immunity to the damage instead of resistance from the Lacking empathy feature.   While you are holding your Shape Of Your Ancestor weapon, you gain advantage on initiative and it deals an additional 2d12 void damage. If this damage from the weapon makes a creature go to half hp or below then they are knocked prone.   18th Level Feature
Cracked Pieces
Your burning blood die is a d20 instead of a d12.   While your blood weapon is still in your hand, you can use a bonus action to empower the blood inside you for the next minute. While in this state, you cannot be reduced to 0 hit points unless through a critical hit, or world damage. Your burning blood feature is not limited to once per turn and you gain temp hp equal to your sorcerer level at the start of your turn.   You can use this feature, equal to your proficiency mod or if you expend 3 sorcery points.
Thorn Master
1st Level Features
Roses Call
As an action you can choose creatures equal to your CHA mod, they must make a DEX save against your spell save DC or become restrained for 1 minute as thorns encompass around the creature's bodies. A restrained creature can use its action to make a strength check against your spell save DC to break out. At the start of your turn all creatures restrained by this feature take D4 Void damage and are under the bane spell, any creature that makes a successful check to break out takes D6 Void Damage.   You can use this feature once per long rest, or until you expend one sorcery point to use this again.   Whips of Scarring
You gain the Thorn Whip cantrip, it doesn’t count towards your total known cantrips. You can cast this as a bonus action and the range is 60ft, and the pull effect is increased to 20ft. When a creature is reduced to half hp by this cantrip, they are unable to heal until the start of your next turn.   Metamagic can affect this cantrip, and counts as a first level spell for the purpose of metamagic like Twin Spell.  

Thorn Spells

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the thorn Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be a Transmutation or Illusion spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.

  6th Level Feature
Might of the Roses
You can make two attacks with the Thorn Whip cantrip, this acts as an extra attack feature.   When a creature is pulled within 5ft of you because of your Thorn Whip, they undergo the “Roses Call” feature and they auto fail the save.   14th Level Feature
Poisoned Sting
When a creature is restrained by the Roses Call feature, they undergo the poisoned condition. While poisoned, their skin turns black and crusty making them vulnerable to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage. They lose the poisoned condition when they successfully escape the thorns.   18th Level Feature
A house of Roses, for the Queen, Who Soon Will Return
As an action, you can conjure a field of roses each with deadly thorns hidden beneath them in a 20ft radius that lasts for 1 minute. When a creature starts its turn in this radius, they must make a CON save against your spell save DC or become paralysed for 1 minute. At the start of every turn, they may make another save again to break from this effect. Every 5ft moved within this radius deals 2d6 void damage.   You can use this feature equal to your CHA mod, if you use this feature again before the last feature has ended then the old one will disappear.


Pact of Nulling
1st Level Features
Eyes of The Void Queen
You gain 10ft of Truesight as your eyes are no longer your own, anything that is perceived with this sight cannot gain any hit points from spells or spell-like abilities except for you and from you.   Army of Roses
You can magically summon a purple rose. As a bonus action, you create a 5ft tall rose at a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The rose lasts for 1 minute and you can creature multiple equal to your CHA mod. The rose has 1hp, and AC equal to 10+proficiency+CHA, once a rose has been destroyed it will magically disappear.   When you create the rose, you can make a range spell attack against one creature within 30 feet of it. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 void damage, and it cannot heal until the start of your next turn. When you reach 10th level in this class, the damage increases to 2d8.   You can summon the roses a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   3rd Level Pacts
Pact of Nulling - When you take damage, you can use your reaction to make one of your roses from your Army of Roses feature take the damage instead.   6th Level Feature
Recall to Nothing
When a rose from your Army of Roses Feature is reduced to 0 hit points, the rose will explode in a 10ft square. All creatures within the area have to make a DEX save or take 2d4 Void damage or half on a success.   As a bonus action, you can reduce one of your roses to 0 hit points instead of waiting the full minute.   10th Level Feature
The Nulled Queen's Gaze
Your truesight increases to 15ft, and you gain resistance to one damage type of your choice (Cannot switch once chosen).   14th Level Feature
Welcome to The Garden
You can cast one spell you know without a spell slot once per long rest, if the spell is 5th level or lower then it casts twice instead of one.   When you are reduced to 0 hit points and fail all death saves, roll a d100. On a 20 or lower, then your body undergoes the banishment spell to the void and after 13 hours (full day) you return to the same spot as if you took a long rest. If the spot is occupied then you will appear in the closet unopposed space.  

Eldritch Invocations

Eyes of Nothing - Your Truesight also gains blindsight, you can see invisible creatures except if they have made a successful stealth check against you. Creatures who are invisible and seen by you, have their invisibility negated until you can no longer see them with this sight.
  Harming Thorns - When a creature makes an attack against your rose, or they make an attack against a creature within 10ft of your rose, you can use your reaction to make that rose attack (If multiple roses are in range, you can pick one to attack).   5th level invocations:
Anger of The Void - Once per turn, your rose can attack twice instead of once. When a rose is reduced to 0 hit points, you gain temp hp equal to the damage the rose took.
  15th level invocation:
She Watches... - When you score a critical hit against a creature, if the damage total should be equal or greater than 20 the attacked creature has their max hit points reduced by the damage amount and you gain permanent max hit points that the creature lost.

Nulling Expanded Spells

The Nulling lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Pact of Rejection
1st Level Features
Unstable Energy
When you cast a warlock spell using your pact magic, roll a d20. On a 1, your spell becomes unstable. Roll a d9, your spell is either upcasted or downcasted to the number rolled. If the spell states “Creature/s of your choice” it instead becomes all creatures regardless of the creature's choice. If the number is lower than the current level spell, then the spell isn’t casted.   Rejected Soul
You do not need to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe. Instead, you become vulnerable to radiant damage.   3rd Level Pacts
Pact of Rejection - A nat 20 on any attack roll will activate your unstable energy feature regardless of what was actually rolled.   6th Level Feature
A Voice of Nothing
You also know two additional spells from any class list and they count as warlock spells to you.   When you cast the additional spells, the unstable energy roll now works on a 5 or lower instead of a 1.   10th Level Feature
Stability within Unstability
When you cause your unstable energy effect to go off, you can choose to roll 2d9 instead of one. You can choose which die to use.   When you use this feature, you take void damage equal to the roll you chose (this cannot be reduced).   14th Level Feature
Stability for Those Who Accept Me
Once per long rest, you can choose to activate your unstable energy feature without needing to roll a d20. The D9 is automatically a 9 and cast the spell at 9th level. Roll a d100, on a 20 or lower the spell will target a random creature within 120ft instead of your chosen target.   If the d100 roll is a 21 to 100, then the spell is casted and you undergo the effect of the Blink spell going to the void instead of the ethereal plane.  

Eldritch Invocations

Reject your Oath - Whenever you fail the d20 check to decide if the unstable energy activates, you gain temp hit points equal to your d20 roll plus your warlock level.
  Call of The Void - If you should be critically hit, you can expend a warlock spell slot to cast one spell that uses an action.   5th level invocations:
Chaotic Energy - When you take damage from your own spells or the spell of a non-hostile creature, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage equal to 2 times your warlock level.
  15th level invocation:
Watchful Presence of Her - Once per long rest, when you are reduced to 0 hit points and still have warlock spell slots, you can choose to expend them all to deal void damage to all creatures of your choice within 30ft of you. The expended spell slots use 2d10 per use; e.g. using 3 spell slots will cause a 6d10 explosion.   However this auto fails all death saves, and you undergo the banishment spell to the void.

Rejection Expanded Spells

The Rejection lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Pact of 0
1st Level Features
As an action you can touch a willing creature within 5ft of you, the number 0 will appear above their head for the next minute. Each round that passes the number will increase by one to a max of 10. As a bonus action, you can choose to remove the mark which will reset a creature's hit points, conditions, or anything physical of that creature back to the state it was when the mark was 0.   The creature gains exhaustion equal to the mark number; if it is 6 or more then, the creature is reduced to 1 hit point and has 5 exhaustion instead.   You can mark creatures equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain expended uses on a short rest.   Restore
When a marked creature is reduced to 0 hit points then the mark will be removed regardless of the original placer's wishes and the effect of Reset happens.   You can use your action to reduce the marks number by 1, upon doing so you gain 1d4 temp hit points for the next minute.   3rd Level Pacts
Pact of 0 - Your mark gains 1 exhaustion every 2 decimals instead of 1. E.g. 4 counter on the mark will give 2 exhaustion instead of 4.   6th Level Feature
Markings of Nothing
When you mark a creature creatures number is odd or even they gain certain benefits, they undergo one of three effects;  
  • Zero: They gain the benefits of both effects.
  • Odd: They gain the effects of Bless, and creatures against the marked creature have the effects of Bane when only targeting the marked creature.
  • Even: They gain the effect of Heroism, and advantage on all dex saves.
  10th Level Feature
Mark of Disaster
You can choose to expend a reset, to target an enemy creature. They must succeed a CHA save against your spell save DC otherwise they become marked with a 10. Each round that passes the mark will go down to a minimum of 0.   While a creature is under this effect, they have disadvantage on all saves against your spells and cantrips. Once the mark hits 0, the marked creature will gain 5 exhaustion. A marked creature can use their action to make another CHA save to try and break out of this effect.   14th Level Feature
Marked for Death
When you are reduced to 0 hit points without any marks on any creatures, you can expend one of your marks to mark yourself. While marked you cannot go unconscious, and your hit points cannot be reduced. Your mark starts as 0, and increases to a max of 10. After which you will then fall down dead as if you had failed all death saves.  

Eldritch Invocations

Markings of Corruption - While a creature is marked by you, they gain advantage on WIS checks (Survival & Perception).
  Blessings of 0 - If your current hit points are odd, you gain advantage on DEX saves. If your current hit points are even, you gain advantage on WIS saves.   5th level invocations:
Fallen Petals - When you make a successful save against a spell or spell-like ability, you can cast a copy of that spell or spell-like ability once through one of your marked creatures without a spell slot.
  15th level invocation:
Pulled into Her Embrace - When you are reduced to 0 hit points, and you have a marked creature (ally or enemy) you can use your reaction to expend one of your marks instantly. The reset effect will take place, and you gain hit points equal to the number on the number on the marked creature.

0 Expanded Spells

The 0 lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.


2nd Level Features
Lacking Everything
You can cast spells without needing verbal and somatic components, additionally when you cast spells using the verbal component; all creatures within 10ft of the spell target (including yourself regardless of distance) must make a WIS save against your spell save DC. On a failure, all creatures take Void damage equal to 5 times the spell level and cannot be healed until the start of your next turn. On a success the spell goes as normal.   Knowledge of Her
You can touch a scroll or spell book over the course of 1 hour during a long rest, after the hour is up. The scroll or spell book vanishes forever, and all spells from the source become a prepared spell until your next long rest and doesn’t count towards your known spells.   6th Level Feature
A Silence is Heard
When you cast a spell and use the somatic component, you gain hit points equal to the spell level times 5 and the target of the spell gains the same amount. You and the creature cannot be healed by any other source until the start of your next turn.   You can use this feature equal to your prof mod, and regain all uses on a long rest.   10th Level Feature
Collapsing Mind
You become immune to madness and resistant to psychic damage, additionally any enchantment spell you cast will give this effect to the target/s until the spell ends.   You can cast the silence spell at will without a spell slot, and it counts as a prepared spell without counting towards your total.   14th Level Feature
Rules of Magic
When you cast a spell that is 3rd level or lower, you can choose to not use a spell slot for that spell. When you use this feature, roll a D100. On a 10 or lower, you lose a spell slot equal to the levelled spell you casted until your next long rest.   Losing all spell slots of the same level, will allow you to open a Gate.
2nd Level Features
Charging the Depths of the Soul
When you cast a spell that is capable of being upcasted to a higher level, you can choose to do it even when you lack the spell slot. Each level upcasted this way reduces your max hit points by 5 until your next long rest. You cannot use this feature if it reduces your max hit points to below 1.   Magical Reduction
When your max hit points are at half by an effect/s, you gain temp hit points equal to half your max hit points before the reduction.   You can choose to expend temp hp given from this feature, to deal additional healing/damage to one target of your spell equal to the expended temp hp. E.g. using 10 temp hp to give additional 10 damage to an enemy.   6th Level Feature
Follow the Energy
You gain detect magic at will, if you should already have this feature then you gain detect thoughts at will instead.   When you cast detect magic, your range increases to 60ft and you can tell specific spells instead of just the school of magic. Your range also bypasses cover and other effects that block magic like anti-magic fields.   10th Level Feature
Blow Up
When you are reduced to 0 hit points and you have had your max hit points reduced by an effect, you can choose to explode in a 30ft radius. All creatures of your choice in range must make a CON save against your spell save DC. On a failure you deal 3d10+reduced max hp in Void damage. You cannot use this feature again until a long rest.   14th Level Feature
True Overcasting
Once per long rest, you can use your “Charging The Depths of the Soul” feature without it reducing your max hit points. Additionally choose two spells that you have prepared on a long rest, that spell does not need any components to be casted.
Complete Death
2nd Level Features
True Death
When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by an enchantment spell or are under the effect of an enchantment spell when they die, they cannot be revived by any means short of a wish spell.   Knowledge of The One-eyed Queen
You gain an extended spell list which count as prepared and do not count towards your total amount of known spells, all spells count as their normal schools and enchantment for the purpose of effects:     6th Level Feature
Bounding Touch
When you deal necrotic damage to a creature, they are marked by you. Until the start of your next turn, you will know their position regardless of distance.   Creatures marked by you, have disadvantage to attack you as you know their every move.   10th Level Feature
Forming Soul
You can use your bonus action to empower your own soul, for the next minute you become immune to two damage types of your choice. Once you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, the effect ends and you gain d4 exhaustion.   You can use this feature once per long rest.   14th Level Feature
Complete Death
All spells you cast that have the enchantment school have a DC increase by 2 and attack rolls are at advantage. Your True Death feature now causes the soul dust effect, you can use one soul dust as a material component for any spell that requires a GP cost.

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