Finn Sullivan Character in Feldanar: the Faeneril Chronicles | World Anvil
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Finn Sullivan

Finn Sullivan (a.k.a. Modeling name: ???)

Finn is a young photographer who dreams of making it big in the industry one day. He reaches out to one of his biggest role models and gets drawn into modeling for the guy rather than being his apprentice.   Finn lives in Mevnat, the neighboring country of Faeneril and Bardocen. One of his ancestors, Selene Sullivan, was a witch and he knows a tiny bit of magic due to that fact.

Physical Description

Body Features

Slim and androgynous.

Facial Features

Finn's facial features are soft and androgynous.

Identifying Characteristics

Purple eyes.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Male.   Pronouns: he/him.


Doesn’t really care. If he likes you, he likes you. Nothing more to it.

Personality Characteristics


Finn dreams of pursuing photography professionally and making it big in the industry.

Likes & Dislikes

Photography, make up, board games and video games. He also really enjoys meeting up with his friend Isobel, a witch, over hot cocoa. The two of them love watching horror movies together.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lacks confidence in certain areas of life.


Contacts & Relations

"The photographer guy". Isobel, his best friend.

Social Aptitude

Finn is an introvert who still manages to blend in pretty well with the crowd. He's not shy, but rarely the heart of the party either.

Hobbies & Pets

Photography. Dreams of having a pet bunny. Or dozens.

Wealth & Financial state

He's starting to earn enough from his modeling that he can live a pretty good life. No stress about money, at least.
Current Location
Year of Birth
545 -189 Years old
A small village on the countryside of Mevnat.
Current Residence
Big, purple eyes with long eyelashes.
Short, but not super-short and dark brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Spotless, fair skin. He takes good care of his skin.
175 cm
Known Languages
Mother tongue: Mevnati More or less fluent: Faenerilian

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