The Old Lords Organization in Faymare | World Anvil
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The Old Lords

The Old Lords are a pantheon of divines that are responsible for ruling over the four main petals of the Sogulut Blossom, and also for ruling over all divines that lay there. The divines that ruled in this pantheon are:  
  • Dyzantine, god of purity and leadership,
  • Poliworth, god of morality and balance,
  • Arkraak, god of punishment and brimstone, and
  • Jaguaak, god of protection.


All members ruled together as equals and an oligarchy above all divines and men.

Public Agenda

The Old Lords was established to make sure divines stayed in their place and did not attempt to overthrow or attack other divines.


The Old Lords were routinely supplied by the Council of Three with certain resources to get jobs done. For example, when Senvari attacked, they were given troops to defend Aerer and The Underworld.


The Old Lords was established a while after the creation of Faymare, during The Primordial Era. They were created to combat against rebelling divines and men killing divines after Olinus was murdered by an elf named Mi'tilarro Dorpeis.
Religious, Pantheon

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