Hiemal Castle Building / Landmark in Faymare | World Anvil
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Hiemal Castle

Hiemal Castle is an extremely large castle located in Galakrond. It used to belong to The Hiemal King, an unnamed king that run an empire so powerful that it controlled all of Southrend. It has a gothic look, and the burnt exterior and interior give off a cold and vile aura to onlookers and explorers alike. It is said beasts dwell in the castle corner, ready to steal the unwilling and feast on them.


The castle is very well built, stone and metal providing structure to the 17 acre building. It was burnt down in 993XX, giving it a dark coloration and leaving holes in the roof and flooring.


Hiemal Castle acted as the home to The Hiemal King and his nobles, as well as a treasury and smithy.
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