Interviews Document in Fatal Fate | World Anvil
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The following article documents many of the interviews Your Host has had over the years. While it doesn't have each and every one, most of the more notable interviews will be found here.  

Interview with Rho

  The following interview takes place after Denizen defeated Death for good, and Rho believed Earth safe to travel to. It is the only time he's been there in person.   Host: Hello, and welcome to Person of Interest. Today, we've got an extraordinarily special guest for you. I'd like to welcome Mars's very own prophet, Rho!   Rho: Um... thanks. I'd prefer it if people don't call me that.   Host: Really? Might I ask why?   Rho: I won't deny my abilities, but I don't want them to have a religious connotation. I'm just an ordinary human with an unusual gift, that's all.   Host: Could you tell us about these special traits of yours, if you don't mind? I understand that you're older than you look.   Rho: That's right. Jaxith, the ruler of Mars, is actually a childhood friend of mine, so that should give you a rough idea of how old I really am. There's an explanation to that, but I'll just refer everyone to a document I've written about it instead. I feel like it's a bit too complex to get into on a talk show. *chuckles*   Host: Right. What about everything else? Your uncanny knowledge, and fighting abilities?   Rho: I wasn't actually born with many of the abilities I used to defeat Helios, I acquired them as a gift when I investigated a mysterious ruin on Mars. Don't bother trying to get there, it's closed to the public.   Host: That's a shame.   Rho: As for the knowledge, I'm not sure where it comes from. Sometimes things just pop into my head without me wanting them to, other times I have to "retrieve" it, so to speak. It's pretty hard for me to describe, actually.   Host: Have you ever learned something you wish you hadn't?   Rho: I keep getting unwanted facts about disease, bugs, and the like. Once in a while, an unwanted fact about someone pops into my head. I suppose it's like my version of when you have unwanted thoughts about crashing your car pop into your head. I usually keep it to myself unless it's something really important.   Host: So it's not just dramatic prophecies of doom, that you get, is it?   Rho: No. Not at all. In fact, I almost never get anything about the future. I mainly get facts and events that are presently happening. For example, shortly before arriving, I became aware of Denizen narrowly surviving a conflict with one of the strongest angels alive due to an intervention by The First One. He'll probably be resting at his place for a while, so try not to pester him too much.   Host: Wow, you said "The First One" so casually. Have you met?   Rho: Not yet, no. *chuckles* I guess I just see so many divine figures with my ability I've lost my sense of awe.   Host: Is there anything you've tried to learn, but can't?   Rho: There are a few things. Things beyond my comprehension, such as the nature of higher dimensions, as well as the thoughts going through anyone else's head. I may be a "know-it-all", but I'm not psychic.   Host: I'm sure our audience is relieved to hear that. *chuckles* Is there anything else you wanted to say before we wrap up?   Rho: Yes. In a short time, I'm planning on releasing most of the knowledge I've documented to the public. No longer will you have to pester me about it in person. Although there is a caveat. Any knowledge about divine entities, the secrets of the universe, or the extra-dimensional war that's going on will only be available in a physical format at my library. It's sensitive data, and I don't want just anyone learning about them, you know what I mean?   Host: Well, I'm sure everyone will be very interested in that.   Rho: Well, it's been a pleasure to be here toda-...   Host: ...Yes?   Rho: Sorry. It's been nice. Be careful everyone, I've just become aware of a new invader that's about to arrive. I know you're watching this, Veritas, so have your forces ready. I've got to go.   Host: ...Okay, then. You heard him, folks. Everyone should be careful and be on the lookout. Before you leave, what is this invader, exactly?   Rho: It belongs to a race that we haven't encountered before... Just be careful. I need to hurry back.   Host: Alright. Safe travels! On that note, that concludes our show. As soon as Death's threat is extinguished, it appears that another one will soon arise. Will we ever know peace? Next time, I have a new guest lined up, who can tell us about his brand new TV show.   Note that the interview in question was canceled due to an emergency, and was never rescheduled.  

Interview with Vanadium

  The following interview took place just before Doctor Xenon perished.   Host: Hello and welcome to Person of Interest. I'm Your Host. "What's my name?" you ask? That doesn't matter right now. Because tonight, it's all about our guest. Please welcome DJ Vana to the show!   Vana: Thanks it's good to be here. I'm surprised you invited me, actually. I thought this was just a cheesy talk show, at first.   Host: *chuckles* That's fair. I try to have unique guests on the show. I like to think it makes people think about the world in a different way. And you seem to be as unique as they come, Vana. Could you tell us about yourself?   Vana: Well, I'm half human, half grey for starters. I never knew my parents, but I hear I was just an "experiment" to them or something. Anyway, my Uncle Xenon has been the one raising me this whole time. I've always watched Earth from a distance on the moon, but more recently I've decided to move down here where I started my own dance club. It's actually right next to the bar whose owner you kept trying to book. I hear he isn't human, at all.   Host: So you've got someone to talk to now?   Vana: I suppose. We're more colleagues than anything, really. I keep pestering him about wanting to break down the wall between our places and becoming a huge joint, but he always refuses. Anyway, I'm getting off track. One thing people who frequent my club may have noticed is that I'm always using different voices when I sing. That's actually not a digital effect, it's a special ability I was born with. It comes in real handy, sometimes. Some people say it has a bewitching effect, but I think that's just bogus.   Host: Interesting. Could you tell us more about yourself physiologically? Normally I wouldn't ask, but-   Vana: That's totally fine, I get it. I was going to get to that, anyways. First thing is that despite my short stature and... um... small chest size... I'm actually fully grown. I think my genes messed up with my growth? In addition to that, my genes gave me this grey skin, four fingers instead of five, and totally 100% black eyes which I think are really cool. Interestingly enough, my blue hair is natural, too. Though I do like to style it a lot.   Host: Yes, thank you. Hopefully, our listeners have a good mental picture. Your uncle is a pretty secretive person. I think I've only seen him once in a broadcast with Veritas. Can you tell us about him?   Vana: Hm... I can try, but a lot of what he's doing is classified. He only tells the people he trusts about his projects. Of course, that means I don't know anything about them either. *laughs*   Host: *chuckle* So he doesn't tell you anything?   Vana: Nah, I was kidding. Mostly. I'm sure there's stuff I don't know about, but there's some pretty interesting projects he has that are going to help in the war. I don't want to talk about that, though. I came down here to get away from all that.   Host: That's fine. How about the greys? Do you know anything about them? Aside from you, I think your uncle's the only one I've ever seen.   Vana: The others left generations ago. My family are the only ones who stayed behind. Over time, they all began to leave as well until it was just my uncle and me.   Host: That's a shame. Do you feel lonely? Come to think of it, do you know why they were here in the first place?   Vana: No on both questions. The greys were originally nomads, but some of them split off to watch over humans for some reason. As for why they left, my guess is that the war was too much or something, I don't know. Can we talk about something else?   Host: Sorry we keep going back to that. Let's get back to your club. What made you want to start it?   Vana: I love music, and I wanted to put my unique voice talent to use, so it seemed natural. It's pretty fun, and I highly recommend coming. It's a real blast.   Host: Well, I know I'm definitely going to make it. Is there any-... Did you see that light?   Producer: It came from the window! There was an explosion on the moon!   Host & Vana: What?!   Vana: Oh my god! I've got to go!   Host: Wait, what are you going to-   Vana: My club is closed until further notice, by the way!   Host: To think she might've lost her only family. That's really unfortunate.   Producer: We're still rolling.   Host: Really? Well, I guess that's all for our show tonight, folks. We're probably going to have to reschedule our next show, so sit tight.   It's worth noting that Vana went missing for quite some time after this. She didn't resurface and reopen her club until Death was defeated sometime later. Upon asking her about what happened to her uncle, she hastily changes the subject. She's been invited back to Person of Interest, but has denied the invitation.   (more interviews coming later)
Record, Transcript (Communication)
Analog Recording, Video

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