Ecthelion's Light & Ecthelion's Tower Spell in Farrah | World Anvil
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Ecthelion's Light & Ecthelion's Tower

Ecthelion's Light is the name given to the swirling maelstrom of energy above Ecthelion's Tower in Quisling.    This light is the visual sign of the massive reservoir of stored power, generated from the magic that is funnelled out of Quisling. A being that steps into the light at the apex of the Tower has the opportunity to wield, but also risks overexposing themselves to the raw magic and perishing.   Ecthelion's Light and Ecthelion's Tower are ancient, built around 5,000 BQ. This is the same time period when Godfall was made and the dragons went to sleep, surrendering the sky to the Elves.   There are few examples of the Light being used safely. During the Age of Heroes the Light was effectively wielded by Aeneas Kimber in defence of the city. He slew four ancient Gold Dragons in a single day with its magic.  When the Dragons awoke again in 174 AQ most cities of Farrah were burned and devastated. Only Quisling was unharmed, with Silvos Kimber, brother of King Tyche, stepping into the light atop the tower to battle the dragons trying to slay his citizens. Only a few dozen in Quisling were killed, including Silvos who vanished in the light after the dragons perished. Most recently in 518 AQ the Vetala entered the Light and used the power to create itself a body.

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