Book - Verses from the Dragon Bible Document in Farrah | World Anvil
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Book - Verses from the Dragon Bible

The following are religious verses pertaining to Dragon/Elf War ~5000BQ contained in the heretical Dragon Bible     16.5: Forticus. This is a verse from the holy book of the dragon worshippers, who are now extinct. It reads: And he looked down and beheld the world which he had created, and was displeased. He made a great fire on the land from which burst the first dragon, the first life… and He was pleased.   Forticus 16.6: Unos was his name, the first light in an empty world. But light casts a shadow, and as radiant the shine as dark the shade. In this Shade It was born, malevolent and jealous.   Forticus 16.7: Unos was brilliance; the life of all of us, our strength embodied, our faith ensured. Where he moved we built, where he spoke we learned.   Forticus 16.8: It was darkness; the death of all of us, our inevitable weakness, our inescapable fear. Where it moved we perished, where it spoke we turned.   Menthis 10.2: The Dragons swirled and spoke in one voice. They spoke to Valnar of magic, the power of blood and words. Valnar listened in silence for 30 days and 30 nights. Thus the gift of magic was given to the Elves.   Menthis 42.10: The light ensnared the dark. Bound to the end of times by the enduring strength of our lord Unos.   Traitors 1.1: They forsake the bonds of blood and battle, fellowship and fealty. Elfkind is prideful, taking up sword and bow against those that gave them all.   Traitors 2.4: Elves traded friend for foe, wisdom for war, peace for power. Envious of the Dragon’s dominion and exploitative of their trust the young race challenged their masters.   Traitors 2.14: Sickened by war and aggrieved by betrayal, Dragonkind knelt. They could not bring themselves to destroy the children arrayed before them. The Dragons crawled beneath the earth to sleep, and see what the Elves would do with their new responsibilities.
Text, Religious

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