Abbey De Heiron Building / Landmark in Farrah | World Anvil
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Abbey De Heiron

Abbey De Heiron is the name of the island that sits in Mitraz harbour. The site of an ancient and holy temple to Heironeous, this island enjoys natural fortifications in the form of the stony shores and steep cliffs that surround it. There is one easy landing point, known as Heironeous' Landing, which is used for entry and egress.   The Abbey itself houses a number of holy relics, including the revered Mitter Idol.    In 496 AQ The Abbey was the site of a zombie outbreak that killed most of the occupants. It lay unused, considered cursed by the local population, until in 519 AQ the Queen's Blade made a deal with the Church of Heironeous to use the island. The Queen's Blade began building a base on the island and restoring the ruins of the Abbey.    Gradually, Abbey De Heiron returned to popular use and the island, for decades a symbol of plague and danger, was again viewed as a holy and important site.
Temple / Church

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