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(Race) Gith

The Gith are a subterranean race of humanoids. They are born with natual psionic and arcane powers. The Gith live beneath the Fimble Mountains in series of sprawling underground cities. These cities are networked around the Capital, Aosia.   The Gith are ruled by the descendants of the founder of their civilisation, Aos. Gith originally lived above the ground, but the races of humans and gnomes spread and quickly outnumbered them. Around 300 BQ, after some short wars the Gith were pushed underground, into the dark. Aos was the Gith that discovered the Crystal of Will, buried deep in the Fimble Mountains. Aos found he had the power to wield the crystal, and used its power to light and build the Gith nation. When Aos died his children took up the mantle. The Gith florished for a time, until 19 AQ when Autolucus stole the crystal of Will. The Gith began to decline without the Crystal.   In 450 AQ a new leader took over the country, taking the name Aos. He lead with fervour and vision, soon earning the title The Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet lead a brief and successful war against Farrah, ending in the first battle of Chixculub, which gain the Gith control of the Crystal of Will and the Crystal of Power. Armed with these artifacts, the Holy Prophet began to rapid expand the Gith holdings, warring with Orcs and Goblins across the Fimble Mountains. Driving these creatures from their homes, down the mountains into Farrah, this action started the Goblin Wars which lasted from 498 to 501 AQ.   The Gith joined the Triple Alliance in 511 AQ. Together with humans and elves they participated in the Second Battle of Chixculub.

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