Coar Language in Fantasy | World Anvil
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Coar was a written language that was used in sacred texts. Until recently historians have not been able to decipher many religious pertaining to deities such as She or the myths that have given us insight into the lives of the people of Marana.   Though it is widely thought that Coar was never a spoken language, there is a chance that some of the higher-ranking religious figures spoke the language. Some documents include what is believed to be a collection of myths called Voath Ydho*.   The Coar language is known for its beautiful array of words that were used to describe things in large amounts of detail. It is thought that no one person could know every word of the language while people still used the language as it was constantly growing. It is expected that historical linguists only know 20% of the words used in the language even after the discovery of numerous new texts in the past 10 years. Another key feature of the language is the lack of upper case letters. Instead, letters were thickened to appear more prominently. Punctuation was also rarely present, instead, the last letter of a sentence would be underlined**.        * The Voath Ydho includes a strange group of poems at the end, though it is not entirely sure if these are myths or a form of prayers.

Writing System

The alphabet is nearly identical to the standard modern, but the key difference is the lack of certain letters. Most notably, the lack of the letter J. It was likely that the J was replaced with gi and later translations shifted towards the spoken j as its sound is identical. The letter J was most likely not included was its resemblance to the symbol of death.


6 Words.
Common Phrases
chyehua preqa tavawahi:: notice they who makes whole what is broken.

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