Sintasia Settlement in Fantasia | World Anvil
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Surrounding the Umbral Estate, the ring-shaped city of Sintasia has become one of the most infamous cities on the continent.



Making up a majority of Sintasia's population, demons are the working, middle, and upper-class of Sintasia. Sintasian demons hold every job in Sintasia, from dealers in the casinos to bureaucrats within the Sintasian Consumer Protection Bureau. All demons are technically immigrants to Sintasia, being summoned from the Immortal Realm and bound to Sintasia by House Umbra. As long as they abide by the terms and conditions set by House Umbra, demons can work any job and start new businesses.  

The Revelers

Named after their rowdy and pleasure-seeking behavior, the Revelers are a mixture of different races that form the only minority group in Sintasia. Revelers receive a lifetime supply of crystal narcotics, place of residence in Sintasia' "Reveler's District", and enough subsistence to live out their rest of their days in gluttonous excess. To become a Reveler an individual must pay a large one time fee and agree to two conditions:
  1. They are never allowed to leave Sintasia
  2. Revelers will be chosen at random by House Umbra to be taken into the Umbral Estate as live sacrifice.


At the local level Sintasia is a corporatocracy, run by the Sintasia Consumer Protection Bureau. The S.C.P.B is given authority to collect taxes on behalf of House Umbra, adopt policies to regulate Sintasia's economy, and engage in diplomatic interactions on behalf of House Umbra. Above the S.C.P.B is House Umbra, who has the final say in all decisions made by the S.C.P.B.   All demon residents and businesses of Sintasia are required to pay periodic "blood taxes" to House Umbra.  

Sin and Punishment

House Umbra and the Sintasia Consumer Protection Bureau have a number of systems in place to keep the ill-tempered demon population in check.

Terms and Conditions

When a demon is summoned to Sintasia they enter into a contract with House Umbra. In order to stay in Sintasia a demon must abide to the following conditions:
  1. You must never kill a mortal; especially a tourists and Revelers.
  2. You can never betray House Umbra
  3. You may never leave the Umbral Eclipse Autonomous Zone unless escorted by a member of House Umbra
  4. Your must never commit an action that will harm the business prospects of Sintasia
  5. Failure to abide to these conditions will lead to disciplinary actions by House Umbra
The demon then signs a physical contract, binding them to House Umbra and the Mortal Realm. The contract is then stored somewhere in the Umbral Estate. If the contract is destroyed, the demon will be sent back to the Immortal Realm.

The Crimson List

A relatively new form of law enforcement, the crimson list was created in the 50th rotation as a response to the large rate of demon-on-demon crime in Sintasia. When a demon commits a crime (not including the killing of a mortal) they are put on the crimson list and a bounty is placed on their head. If another demon kills a demon on the Crimson List they retrieve the bounty. The bounty amount is determined by the nature of the crime and how much vitality orbs the perpetrator is holding. The bounty consists of a percentage of the orbs the perpetrator was holding. The rest go to House Umbra. The Crimson List is publicly available to everyone in Sintasia, and a public announcement is made whenever a new individual is added to the list or if the bounty on an individual increases. Demons killed by this method can return to Sintasia after a set amount of time and after paying a fine to House Umbra.

Devil Duel

If the differences between two or more demons can only be settled through violence, the parties may register to fight in a Devil Dual. Another system set up by House Umbra in the 50th rotation, Devil Dueling attempts to solve the differences between two parties by having them fight to the death as a public spectacle. When two parties are granted their request for a Devil Dual they are to fight to the death in Libia's Pit of Pleasure. Devil Dueling on it's own has become a popular tourist attraction and a national sport of sorts for the Umbral Eclipse Autonomous Zone. Losers of a Devil Duel must wait pay a punitive fine to return back to Sintasia.  


In the case of extreme crimes, such as murder of a mortal or treachery, the individual is deported back to the Immortal Realm. The contract that anchors the demon to the Mortal Realm is ripped, sending the demon back to the immortal realm and keeping a record off the demon for House Umbra. The demon is never allowed to return to the Umbral Eclipse Autonomous Zone again. If they are got again, the individual will be subjected to "Soul Binding".

Soul Binding

In the most extreme of circumstances, only used if an exiled demon returns to the Umbral Eclipse Autonomous Zone or poses a substantial danger to the U.E.A.Z, the demon undergoes the process of soul binding. The demon is trapped within a specially made "soul gem" and left to rot under lock and key within the darkest, most secretive corners of the Umbral Estate. The imprisonment is technically temporary, however, until House Umbra finds a means to use and permanently destroy the soul housed within.


Walls of Dis and Judecca

  Sintasia is enclosed by two sets of walls:  
  • The Wall of Dis- Outer wall separating Sintasia (and the Umbral Eclipse Autonomous Zone at large) from the Meridian
  • The Wall of Judecca- Inner wall separating Sintasia from the Umbral Estate.

    Gate of Dis

    The gate of Dis serves as the only entrance to the Umbral Eclipse Autonomous Zone. Directly in front of the gate is the Legion checkpoint and Shanty Town. Directly behind the gate is the Sintasian Consumer Protection Bureau checkpoint and Sintasia's Acheron District.

    Industry & Trade

    Sintasia never imports, exports (legally), or trades in general with the Meridian. By design Sintasia was founded with tourism in mind. The most unique aspect of the Sintasian economy, however, is its currency. As Sintasia was founded as a means to collect blood and flesh, transactions are done in the medium of currency formed from the vitality of mortals. With the use of a device called a vitality converter, Sintasian businesses can extract blood and flesh from consumers and turn them into different colored orbs. The denominations for vitality orbs are as follows:
    • Red orbs- Common denomination formed from crystallized mortal blood
    • Blue orbs- Uncommon denomination formed from crystallized tissue (that isn't blood)
    • Purple orbs- Rare denomination formed from crystallized organs.
    • Gold orbs- Extremely rare denomination formed from the soul of a mortal
    The three pillars of the Sintasian tourism economy are: crystal particulates, gambling, and sex tourism.

    Crystal Particulates

    Crystal Particulates are crystallized magic that produces various physiological and psychological effects on the user. Banned in the Meridian, Sintasia is the only legal place to purchase crystal particulates. As such, crystal particulates are the number one purchased good in Sintasia. Crystal Particulates are sold for consumer use, commercial use, and industrial use. While historically some crystal particulates were restricted in Sintasia, currently all crystal particulates can be sold freely on the Sintasian markets.


    Sintasia is home to a number of casinos, offering a variety of gambling games. The largest casino in Sintasia is the Paddle Palace.

    Sex Tourism

    Due to the popularity of succubi and inccubi there are many brothels, strip clubs and sex dungeons in Sintasia. It is rumored that the Paddle Palace also doubles as a BDSM club for exclusive clientele.


    Sintasia is divided into four districts: the Acheron District, the Plutus District, the Malebolge District and the Styx District.

    Acheron District

    The largest of the four districts, the Acheron district is the beating heart of Sintasia. Located in the south half of Sintasia, the Acheron District serves as the tourist district. The streets of the district are packed with pharmacies, sex clubs, night clubs, and casinos. The lights from the specially made colored-light signs are so bright and garish that they can be seen all the way from the imperial city; a sight that Astralshaper has called "an eyesore".  

    Plutus District

      Located north-east of the Umbral Estate, the Plutus district serves as both the business district for the resident demons and the government center. Both the headquarters of the Sintasian Consumer Protection Bureau and Sisters of Leutanith are located here.

    Malebolge District

    Located to the north-west of the Umbral Estate, the Malebolge District serves as the residential center for Sintasia's demons. The Malebolge district has the highest population density out of anywhere in the Equitorial Rise.

    Styx District

    Located north of the Umbral Estate, the Styx District houses the Revelers. Located as far from prying eyes as possible, the slums of the Styx District serve as a holding pen for the Revelers until they are eventually pick up by House Umbra.


    Sintasia was founded during the 5th rotation as a response to a growing problem within the House Umbra. Stemming from conflicts between House Umbra and Astralshaper over the need for blood and human sacrifices from the Meridian, Sintasia was proposed as a means to "bring them to us, rather than we go to them". Economy was revitalized in the 15th rotation due to the introduction of the vitality converter. Criminal justice was overhauled in the 50th rotation with the introduction of the Crimson List and Devil Dual system. Political shake-up during the 252nd rotation with the rise of the politically impotent Libila in House Umbra and the politically ambitious Azazel in the Sintasian Consumer Protection Bureau.
    Alternative Name(s)
    "That disgusting, depraved drug den" - Tal Vertnal, "The City of Lights", "Sin City"
    Large city
    Related Ethnicities
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Characters in Location

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