Red Foxfolk Species in Fallora | World Anvil
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Red Foxfolk

A subgroup of shape-shifting animal spirits perfectly adapted to 2 forms; a red fox and human.

Basic Information


When they are in fox form, they look like normal foxes, except for their slightly larger presence and bright eyes. While in human form, they retain a fox tail, and can choose their physical gender.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes 100 years for a Fox to be able to use their human form. They mature slightly slower than humans, as they live to be 1,000 years old if they are not killed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Foxfolk hunt and forage just like normal foxes. In their human form, they can eat human food and wild food.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Foxfolk are quite intelligent, fully sentient and sapient. Given their longevity, they can reach extraordinary wisdom and insight as they get older.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

In fox form, they do not have names, as they do not have a language. When they turn 100 and have a human form, they usually pick an alias to go by while they travel amongst people.


Foxfolk, and the other Sylvan spirits, are ancient, possibly some of the first civilizations. There is speculation that the Foxfolk's questing across the world kickstarted some of the biggest nations today. There are 3 subspecies of Foxfolk in their homeland, Sylvana; Red, White, and Grey. All three regard each other with distaste.

Historical Figures

The Red Lord has been ruling the Red Foxfolk for centuries, and the next-in-line is his daughter, who lives back in their homeland.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Red Foxfolk are constantly at odds with the other Sylvan people; Bearhearts, Wolfkind, Deerbloods, Fleetfoots, other minorities, and the White and Grey Foxfolk factions. They have a strained relationship with the human Casentians, and they pretty much hate the Prianese and Mayrinths. The two major political superpowers, Cxair and Dilarak, are both peppered with Sylvan (mostly Foxfolk) agents, subtly influencing the world.
1,000 years naturally, but the Wolfkind and the Bearhearts that also inhabit Sylvana will often prey on them.

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