Avism Organization in Fallora | World Anvil
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The main religion of Prian and Mayrinth, Avitists worship the Angel Avi.

Mythology & Lore

The Avits believe that at the beginning of the world there was nothing but sky, birds, and the Angel Avi. The Angel Avi was a person that flew through the skies on giant wings the color of everything. The Avi liked to talk to the birds, and hear their stories. The Avi heard the old birds complaining of tired wings, so it took a brown feather from a female mallard duck and a green feather from a male mallard duck and turned them into the world’s first earth and the world’s first forest. The kingfisher and the herons were bored and wanted something to do, so the Avi took a blue feather from a jay and a shimmering feather from a hummingbird and they became the water of the world and fish. On and on, the world formed from the feathers of birds. But eventually, the Angel Avi grew lonely. Finally, it gathered a feather from every bird in the world, plus one powerful one from it’s own incredible wings, and made the first humans. These humans had big feathery wings too, and for a while everyone lived together in harmony.
But, one day, a few humans got lost in a wicked wood called the Dead Forest. The trees were so thick the humans could not fly out. The party was with a flock of raptor birds, like owls and eagles. They were lost for seven days and nights, and they were starving. They could not find any grain nor berries, for the shadows of that wood forbade the growth of anything wholesome, and the mice and small beasts were too fast and thin for even the swiftest hawk. Eventually, the humans did the unthinkable. They resorted to eating other birds, their kin.
The Angel Avi was furious and distraught. Now that the raptor birds and humans had tried it, they didn’t want to stop. Chickens and robins and tiny chickadees were being preyed upon and killed all over the place. The Avi couldn’t let this continue. It stripped the humans of their glorious wings, leaving them earth-bound. It deafened their ears to the words of birds. It could not change the raptors, for it had not created them, but it refused to speak to them ever again. The Angel Avi returned to the sky and hid itself as the sun, never to walk amongst the creatures of the world again. The humans could never look directly at it. As one last gift, it left an egg in the sky too. When The Avi went to sleep behind the horizon, the egg would cast its glow upon the earth until the sun came up again. And someday, if there was ever a great trouble in the world, too great for the Angel Avi’s gaze, the egg would hatch, and a great Silver Phoenix would bear them from this world to the next, and join the Avi there.

Divine Origins

This religion originated in Northern Mayrinth, and it goes back to before the constitutional kingdom of Mayrinth was even formed. The holy text which they follow, The Book of the Birds, is 1,703 pages long and is said to be written by the last human the Avi spoke to before it hid; the great Winged Avon. Though usually addressed as one Book, the text is often split into four shorter tomes; Creation, Tales, Fall, and Ordinances.

Cosmological Views

Everything was created by the Angel Avi from various bird feathers. The sun is a gateway behind which the Avi still watches, and the moon is the shining egg of a Silver Phoenix.

Tenets of Faith

Avits are meant to live pure and pious lives. The world was created for them, so they deserve to go anywhere in the world they want. The world is for them to shape now. Only those descended from the once-winged original humans are truly seen by the Avi. Other humans may have grown from other animals, but the Avits came into the world perfect and full. They are loyal to their friends and family, and they are kind to the birds. They are grateful for what they are given.


Avitists are not permitted to eat birds, consuming instead beef, pork, and fish as meat. Disturbing bird nests is frowned upon, and the consumption of eggs is a debated topic. An Avitist cannot keep caged pet birds, nor can they train wild birds to hunt. There is a gathering of followers for a service called Sa at sunrise on Oneday. It is a ceremony to start the new week, and ask the Angel Avi for a prosperous one. Every sunset and every sunrise at home, an Avitist will read certain prayers to the Avi. Depending on the sect, some will give a blessing and thanks before eating eggs. Also depending on the sect, some will give a blessing and prayer before cutting down a tree. The gesture of prayer is placing two flat hands in a V shape against each other (resembling wings) and placing it over one’s heart.
As to holidays, the Avitists celebrate the summer solstice, Saztiad, as the day that the Avi’s presence is strongest, and hold a festival throughout the day. There is a Sa in the morning, a special service called Tamk at noon, and another called So at sundown. The festival consists of wearing bright clothes, hanging colorful decorations, eating sweets, games for children, and dances. Another holiday is the winter solstice, Somniad, the day when the Avi is most tired and the Silver Phoenix egg hangs in the sky for the longest. On this day followers are very quiet, and do not say any prayers but the So of good night with the congregation. On Somniad, only whispers are allowed unless it’s an emergency, and the only loud sound permitted is playing calm music. There are two traditional songs that are typically played instead of Sa and Tamk. Some sects or individual burn posies of herbs, like lavender, in hopes that the sweet smoke will rise to the Avi and be calming.
There is also a special time just before spring called Kehk. During Kehk, Avitists will fast, eating only a small vegetarian breakfast before sunrise and a small vegetarian dinner after sundown. They fast like this for 8 days. This is relating to the story of the humans who got lost and ended up eating other birds. The Avitists believe that by fasting 7 days and then an 8th as well, they are better than their ancestors. On the 9th day at sunrise, 1 Pluvitan (the first day of spring), there is a big breakfast feast at Sa with the whole community, and it is an auspicious day for planting your first crops. This is also the marking of the new year. Babies, the sick, and the elderly are exempt from fasting.
Among the more pleasant holidays are the dual holidays of Faran and Taran, the farewell to and the welcoming back of migratory birds. Faran takes place around the beginning of fall, 11 Ventitan. People hang birdfeeders everywhere and fill their pockets with seeds to feed the feathered friends. Children enjoy wearing big feather-patterned cloaks with bird-like hoods, and running up to people squawking and making bird noises. It is customary to give the children a scattering of birdseed, a sweet, or small trinket or toy. It usually begins at noon and lasts till evening, and people start planting candles on people’s porches to light the way. Before going home to eat dinner and exchange gifts, often the community will gather to sing a song of farewell to the birds.
Taran takes place around 11 Pluvichor, to celebrate the return of the birds. Again, the birdfeeders are hung and pockets are filled with seeds. Fruits and berries are placed on porches to encourage the birds to come back. Bird-whistles and flutes are played. There is often a special feast at noon full of foods the birds might like, and a Tamk service is held outside. Children enjoy wearing more colorful versions of their Faran costumes and dancing around. When the first migratory bird is spotted flying back, one sings a song of welcome. Boots are often left outside doors or on windowsills, and by the next day the birds will have filled them with flowers or sweets.
There are a few other minor holidays relating to figures and stories from the Book of the Birds.


Avism is guided by a Winged One, a person of any gender who studies the Book of the Birds and guides the followers by teaching the younger ones about the Book and generally being a spiritual leader. Winged Ones are trusted members of the community who can give counsel on how to be a good Avit and other personal matters.
A Winged One is appointed by the previous Winged after many years of studying the Book of the Birds. The congregation may appeal to overturn the Winged’s choice if the majority believe he she or they are not fit for leading the community.


There are a few sects of Avism.
Original Avism — a small sect that does not eat eggs and gives many prayers before cutting down trees. During Kehk they fast even more severely. On Somniad they do not speak at all; even the So is done by softly playing music and making any loud crash or sound throughout the day is very very bad luck. They are the ones that burn herbs too. The Originalists have all three services (Sa, Temk, So) on Oneday, and also read a prayer for Temk themselves on other days. Brightly shining things often scare birds, so they do not wear reflective jewelry and cover mirrors with cloth when not in use. The Veritable Avitists respect them, but see them as a little extreme. The symbol of this sect is a fan of feathers surrounded by two circles. The fan of feathers represents their greater respect for birds, humankind’s predecessors and kin. The double circle also represents greater respect for the sun/the Angel Avi.
Veritable Avism — this is the mainstream sect of Avism. They eat eggs normally, with only a brief thanks to the bird, and cut down trees regularly with a similar brief thanks. Their ways of worship are mostly in line with the ways described in previous sections of this article. Their symbol is a single feather enclosed in a circle. This represents the feather of the Avi that gave humans the spark of intelligence, and the circle is the shape of the sun.
  Neo-Progressive Avism — a sect slowly growing in popularity. They eat eggs and cut down trees without any prayers, and have no qualms about keeping birds or training birds. They are more lax with the observance of Somniad, and they permit the eating of a light lunch during Kehk. There are some in this sect who lobby that the shooting and eating of raptor birds should be allowed, but so far most are opposed to this. The symbol of this sect is two feathers crossed in an X, enclosed in a triangle. This represents the rays of the sun, rather than the actual shape.
There are a few other, smaller sects, but these three are the most populous.
Religious, Organised Religion
Avit, Avitists
Notable Members

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