Perceval Edwel Character in Faladrin | World Anvil
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Perceval Edwel

Previous Wyvern Rider Controller position. Elf with red beard and 1 inch braids, adopted the style from the dwarves and dragonborn he spent so much time with. 5'10 Two part helm. Vented top that wraps around the eyes into the peripheral. The second is a steel cover, which has decretive 4 inch wings, that is over the mouth that has gaps facing backwards from the mouth in order to allow easier breathing. His medium plate armor is inter-mingled with greased chainmail. Under all of which he has a simple leather harness that keeps him secure on the Wyvern. Some riders attach themselves through their feet on hooks that can be easily hooked and re-hooked to the saddle. A gauntlet on his right hand is used to direct the dragon and hold the tether. On the opposite hand he has a kite shield with his extendable Yklwa. Perceval, after a long career with the Rider's in Krâken, became head Reeve to Damian IV when Damian needed to venture south. Perceval was hand picked by Damian. He is a valiant soldier, shrewd, and quick to react. #LieutenantPercevalEdwel

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