Anauroch Desert Geographic Location in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Anauroch Desert

Anauroch is a vast desert located in the northern part of Faerun, and is bordered by the Sword Coast to the west, the Silver Marches to the north, the Dalelands to the east, and the High Moor to the south.   Anauroch is a harsh and unforgiving place, where the sun blazes down upon the shifting sands, and water is scarce. The desert is home to a variety of dangerous creatures, including sandstorms, giant scorpions, and marauding bands of nomads and raiders.   In ancient times, Anauroch was a lush and verdant land, home to the Netherese Empire, a powerful civilization of wizards and sorcerers.    However, the overuse of magic caused the empire to collapse, and the land was transformed into a desert.   The ruins of Netheril can still be found scattered throughout the desert, along with numerous other ancient structures and artifacts.   Despite the harsh conditions, a number of humanoid and monstrous races have adapted to life in Anauroch.    These include the Bedine nomads, the desert elves of the oasis city of Evereska, and the yuan-ti, a race of snake-like humanoids who dwell in the ruins of ancient Netheril.   In addition, numerous powerful wizards and sorcerers make their homes in the desert, drawn by the abundance of magical energy that still lingers in the land.   Overall, Anauroch is a dangerous and forbidding place, but also one that is rich in history and lore.

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