Cedarspoke Settlement in Faerun-ers | World Anvil
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a Druid town in the north-middle of the Gulthmere Forest, bridging the river

Necro Enchanter, harbor, nearby Simandoo mine, created and run by Dwarves for the past 2 years.

Recently, Kennoc (the Blacksmith) starting purchases Ores from New Duloc.

Sells fabricated equipment and refined materials to StarMantle


Wood Elf, Drawf, gnomes


Elder Council (8 senior druids)

Industry & Trade

Trades with nearby towns (StarMantle and xx)

Contingent of Dwarves live on the north end of the town, who work in the Mines


Few structures built with brick or stone. Most are either made of wood, or are directly part of the larger trees


Many years of peace and quiet brought prosperity and family growth.

Only a 2 years after the Dwarves starting mining NW of town, the people were attacked by underground creatures hungry for their riches.


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