2020.05.31 - The Ascent Report in Faerun-ers | World Anvil
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2020.05.31 - The Ascent

General Summary

Cernan, Orren Ironhammer ,Zewdwim Liechtenstein in the My Precious Dungeon

The Group woke up in the Medusa's bedchamber, and decided to backtrack to Orren's oldest memory of this place - to try to find his warhammer. Instead of leaving the dungeon, they checked the far side and found a mud packed door.

Cernan moved all the mud away, Zewdwim picked the lock, and they were in! Finding blood-stained floor, they searched through the corridors into a room barricaded with barrels. Zewdwim crawled through the barrels into the next room. Cernan watched the rear, finding a shimmering surface slowly moving towards the group. He knocked it back, then ducked in the room. They shut and barricaded the door.

Zewdwim found a level, opening a bypass door for the rest of the group. Into the next room, they found a chest and did not trust it. Orren stabbed it, then shot it, and found it was just an unlocked chest.

All the sounds drew a Cube to the party. Cernan saw this and threw Fire Sprays at it. The cube charged, and scooped up Zewdwin. After escaping, the cube sucked up Orren. Blasting it with Zewdwin's turret and Cernan's fire, they charred the Cube into retreat.

After much debate, the group decided to return to the surface and find a town to buy curtains. They did not the limping cube.

At the surface, they ignored the hissing snakes and followed the goblin blood trail out. The group ran through the woods and into the open area where a Joyful Signing Man saw them and wanted to know where that elf Zosime Longblade was. He really wanted to know. When the group asked for gold, he offered his 2 friends - Gold Member and Gold Ember

Cernan and Zewdwin convinced him that they didn't know any Zosime, but they did know there's other people down in the dungeon with the Snake Lady.

The 3 left the group, following their direction. The group felt a dread from the large Purple crystal in the middle area.

Session ended with the group heading East down the trail towards a nearby camp.

Rewards Granted

850 Xp

Missions/Quests Completed

Followed Zewdwim out of the Dungeon
They're After Zosime started

Character(s) interacted with

Encountered a Signing Man who really wanted to find Zosime
Boom Boom Pow
Zewdwim Liechtenstein
Level 4 Forest Gnome Chaotic Good Articifer
/ 38 HP
Orren Ironhammer
Report Date
31 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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