2020.04.05 - Another Wakening Report in Faerun-ers | World Anvil
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2020.04.05 - Another Wakening

General Summary

Cernan , Zosime Longblade, and now Orren Ironhammer at My Precious Dungeon

They continued the fight against the Snake Lady and Armor, retreating to stay out of armors range as able. Orren woke up from the goblin cutting table, and searched for his missing weapons. He opened a large door into the entry room, then feeling power sucked from him turned back the large room.

Cernan blasted the Snake Lady and hid between firings. Snake Lady shot poison arrows at Zosime and Cernan. After the armor fell, she retreated to the throne and cast a Fog, hiding her retreat down a secret passage. The party searched for her in the Fog, instead finding a wall of buttons shaped as creatures. They looted the chest, then pushed all the snake symbols on the wall. The secret door loudly opened and they followed her down into the dark tunnel.

They came to a door, then knocked. In the next room, armors and swords reacted, chopping their way through the door to reach the intruders. 2 Swords came through 1st, attacking Zosime and Orren. Orren threw a barrel at it, then grabbed on to the Sword itself! When the 2 armors bashed through the wood door, Orren attacked it with the grappled Sword, striking deep into it's plates. - Session ended mid Combat -

Rewards Granted

2450xp each

Missions/Quests Completed

Drove Medusa into retreat, added Orren to the Party
Boom Boom Pow
Zewdwim Liechtenstein
Level 4 Forest Gnome Chaotic Good Articifer
/ 38 HP
Zosime Longblade
Orren Ironhammer
Report Date
05 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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