Leilon Settlement in Faerun | World Anvil
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The trees and forested areas along the Highroad gradually give way to grassy hills dotted with tracks of farmland. The road curves slightly, and a short distance further on, you see a small cluster of buildings situated on either side of the roadway. Just beyond these buildings stands a large gatehouse set into a wooden defensive wall surrounding Leilon. Judging by the size of this wooden perimeter, the town appears to be quite a bit larger than Phandalin, though nowhere near as large as cities such as Neverwinter or Waterdeep. You make your way closer, soon passing under the open gate and into the walled off portion of town. Numerous people, mostly human, hurry through the streets around you as you continue onward, passing by numerous homes and small shops, as well as a large temple dedicated to Lathander, the God of Light. The street eventually opens into the northeast corner of a large town square with a fountain at its center. To your left are several storefronts, as well as what appears to be a respectable looking inn called the Harp and Pearl. To your right, the street is dominated by a two-storied townhall and another large building decorated with blue and silver banners adorned with the silver crown of the Lords Alliance. Several more shops line the west end of the square, and to the south, two stone bridges span a river that cuts through the center of town. The section of town beyond these bridges is filled with structures that, even from this distance appear quite a bit older and not quite as well maintained as the buildings around you in the town square. The most notable feature of this older section is a tall tower (120 Feet) rising above the town a short distance away. Built of dark grey stone and banded with gleaming copper, its equal parts beautiful and foreboding. At any rate, welcome to Leilon. What would you like to do?

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