The Grand Dutchy of Zaminsk Organization in Faelinn | World Anvil
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The Grand Dutchy of Zaminsk

The Grand duke and The High Count of Lamia ruled together for a while this duall empire lasted a good 50 years since the golden armies of Zaminsk rode into Lamnia , although cavalry has become slightly outdated as the main fighting force the High elves of Zaminsk has developed wards against firearms allowing their riders to cut any rifle armed force down that is foolish enough to underestimate them. the Bullet shield spell was developed in Zaminsk to counter the growing threat of firearms, but there is only so much magic can do in an ever modernizing world.


Zaminsk has the largest supply of gold in all of Faelin, the many nations look with envious eyes over the weakening empire, the vultures are gathering. while lamia has a large supply of lumber from the many forests of the country,.

Elven Kind stand United.

Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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