Orlane to the Dungeon in Faeberron | World Anvil
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Orlane to the Dungeon

The Dead Forest: Scryx is flying high overhead, feeding information to Rowan as to the direction of the path. Upon leaving the vicinity of Orlane and the surrounding farms you come to the edge of the Dead Forest. A vast forest full of grey, leafless trees. The trees are tall, and the trees are so thick it has a thick canopy, even without the leaves. Dying moss hangs from the branches over head, but there is an obvious path through, left my the many travels of the cultists and their prisoners. The forest is devoid of live and is missing the typical sounds of woodland creatures, bird, and insects. It takes a day to make their way through the dead forest. Roll for typical encounters during the trip and additional if they rest inside the forest.   Dead Forest Encounters:
  1. Goblins (8)
  2. Giant Boar (3)
  3. Troglodyte Cultists (4)
  4. Ogre (2)
  5. Zombies (8)
  6. Giant Spiders (3)
  7. Xvarts (6) and Giant Rats (3)
  8. Skeletons (6)
  Rushmoors: As the trail leads out of the Dead Forest it reaches the edge of a broad and fetish marsh. Thick rushes, interspersed with patches of scummy water, stretch as far as the eye can see. Luckily, the trail is easy to follow as the rushes have been crushed, especially with Scryx scouting from above. It takes a day to make their way across the rushmoors. Roll for typical encounter during the trip and additional if they rest before entering the dungeon.   Rushmoors Encounters:
  1. Troglodyte Cultists (5)
  2. Giant Toads (3)
  3. Giant Crayfish (2)
  4. Stirges (10)
  Defilus' Dungeon: After a long, hard trek through seemingly endless sea of rushes, you see a barrier in the distance. As you approach you see it is a circular dyke made of mud and wood. It holds the swamp water back from a small island of dry land, barely fifty feet across. In the center of the island is a large opening(10x10ft), looking in you see a muddy set of stairs descending into darkness. It is possible to break the dyke and allow the dungeon to slowly fill with water. If this is done many enemies will exit to repair the dyke and possibly attack the group. Rowan will also caution against this plan as there could be innocents below. No encounters if the group rests before entering.

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