Towering Isle Geographic Location in Fading Twilight | World Anvil
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Towering Isle


A massive chunk of rock perhaps half a mile in diameter, rising almost vertically out of the ocean and literally towering a hundred feet or more above the waves. A portion on the northern edge of the island is raised like a natural tower a further twenty-five feet above the rest of the island. Additionally, that promontory's base does not extend all the way down, but hangs as if cantilevered fully two dozen feet above the waves.

The are only two nonmagical ways to gain access to the island, and only one of these is well known. The common way is a tiny beach not more than thirty feet in length on the southeast corner of the rock, with a narrow and tortuously climbing switchback trail that surmounts the cliff. The second way is a single rope ladder that dangles off the Promontory on the north side of the island.

Fauna & Flora

A thick stand of massive sequoias covers the top of the rock as far as you can see, adding to its perceived height. The Promontory, however, is covered in exposed granite and has no vegetation to speak of, though great monolithic standing stones stand silent vigil there. (This henge can't be seen from the sea.)

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