Dean Solitaire Emani Character in Fading Twilight | World Anvil
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Dean Solitaire Emani

Dean of Arcanology, Triumvir of the Reliquary

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Childhood

Born in Tiersward to a family of minor nobility. Arushnee was by ten years the youngest of seven brothers and sisters. Her father was Vishal Acharya and her mother was Zahra Emani, Vishal's second wife after the first died giving birth to her sixth child. Zahra doted on Arushnee and she lived a fairly privileged childhood for several years.

Her father Vishal was in his later sixties when Arushnee was born, and publicly he was a respected city councilman while privately he was also a tenured Master Reliqus of the Investigation branch of the Reliquary. When Arushnee was 8, her father was invested as Dean of Investigation and made a Triumvir.

The Vishal Expedition

In 553, Dean Vishal collected materials which seemed to point to the location of a Samraaji structure in the eastern mountains then known as the Barrier Peaks. Known only as "Shakti," it was said to be a fallen tower of some mysterious material that looked like stone but acted like steel. Vishal was taking two of his sons with him, along with a large contingent of Reliquary Investigators and Guardians, so he made the fateful decision to bring Arushnee along with him to possibly pique her interest in later joining the Reliquary. The expedition traveled eastward through Montbard and the Ashblight, trekking through the formidable mountains for several weeks before at last discovering Shakti on 7 Aout.

The expedition quickly learns that finding the structure and entering are two different matters, and they spend the next three weeks trying everything they can think of to get in--magical, lockpicking, even destructive physical means to force entry--to no avail. Finally, on 30 Aout, Vishal figures out how to open the structure and sends Digory L'Intrepide, a junior Guardian, back to the Keep of Lore to report the discovery. Dean Vishal briefly brings Arushnee aboard with him to see the entry chamber. Some lever or pressure plate is tripped, and the door seals behind them. It takes Vishal about ten minutes to reopen to door, and he and Arushnee reemerge outside to the exploration find that 2-1/2 days had passed since they entered the vessel!

Realizing that some sort of time dilation/time stop was at play, Vishal left instructions with his lieutenant: he would go back inside, planning to emerge every half-hour inside (two weeks outside). The first re-emergence went as planned, but someone happened on the next foray. On 21 Septembre, a large bell-shaped object on the began began ringing, causing blood to rush from the eyes, ears, mouths, and noses of the expedition members, slaying them nearly instantly Arushnee! Both of Vishal's sons who were present were among the dead, but Arushnee survived unscathed!

Traumatized, she waited two more weeks among the corpses for her father to come out; when he didn't emerge, her hunger drove her to stagger west (she remembered they found the ship by walking toward the rising sun so headed for the sunset). After more than two additional weeks, Arushnee was found collapsed on the plains of the Ashblight by a hunting party who revived her, fed her, and took her to their village. Eventually, her identity was learned and she was taken back to the Tiers.


Returned to the arms of her mother, who was now a landless widow, Arushnee was kept far from the Reliquary for many years.

Mental Trauma

The loss of her father in such a way has left Arushnee/Solitaire without closure. She refuses to believe that he is dead, even after nearly five hundred years, because she remembered how quickly the days passed outside the Shakti when she spent so little time inside. The question of "Why did I survive when everyone else perished?" has left her obsessed with finding what properties or bloodlines would allow one to survive unscathed while others die in agony.
Year of Birth
543 CE 462 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a Keeper would who become Dean of Investigation
Dark brown
Long, sleek, raven black
120 lbs

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  • 543 CE

    11 Mars

    Arushnee Acharya is born
    Life, Birth

    Vishal and Zahra Acharya of The Tiers

  • 551 CE

    15 Decembre

    Vishal Acharya becomes Dean of Investigation
    Life, Organisation Association

    Additional timelines
  • 553 CE

    1 Juin

    The Vishal Expedition departs Hapax

    Dean Vishal mounts an expedition to find the Samraaji structure known as "The Cube of Rallata," taking his 1-year-old daughter Arushnee with him.

    Additional timelines
  • 553 CE

    7 Aout

    Dean Vishal finds the Cube
    Discovery, Exploration

    The expedition headed by Dean Vishal of the Investigators successfully finds what they believe is a ancient magical structure from the Empire of the Dawn, near the juncture of the Rallata and Eliphao Valleys, northeast of Eraan.

    Additional timelines
  • 553 CE

    30 Aout

    Dean Vishal opens the Cube
    Discovery, Exploration

    Vishal figures out how to open the structure, and sends Digory L'Intrepide, a junior Guardian, back to the Keep of Lore in Idolum to report the discovery.

    Additional timelines
  • 553 CE

    1 Septembre

    Arushnee enters the Shakti
    Life, Milestone

    Dean Vishal invites his daughter to seek the entry chamber of the Shakti before he explores further.

  • 553 CE

    21 Septembre

    The Vishal Expedition is slaughtered
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The Cube strikes back against the Vishal Expedition, leaving only one survivor.

    Additional timelines
  • 553 CE

    21 Octobre

    Anushree found on the Plains of the Ashblight
    Life, Milestone

    The young girl is found wandering alone, delirious and half-starved.

  • 561 CE

    12 Juin

    Arushnee marries Prince Digory of The Tiers

  • 575 CE

    15 Mars
    575 CE

    20 Octobre

    First Outbreak of the Philippian Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Plague of the Red Tears strikes the land and kills nearly two-thirds of the population, including all the Engros.

    Additional timelines
  • 576 CE

    8 Fevrier

    Construction begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Workers begin to expand and fortify a network of natural caverns into a catacomb.

    Additional timelines
  • 576 CE

    20 Juin

    Major construction complete
    Construction beginning/end

    The oubliette is sanctified, secured, trapped, and waiting for its permanent resident.

    Additional timelines
  • 577 CE

    30 Mai

    Internment of the Queen
    Political event

    Queen Arushnee's body is placed in the Oubliette.

    Additional timelines
  • 577 CE

    2 Juillet

    The Sepulcher of the Crying Gods is sealed
    Life, Death

    Queen Arushnee's mummy is moved to the true tomb and the Oubliette is sealed

    Additional timelines
  • 1047 CE

    24 Janvier

    Granny Gnana finds the Sepulcher
    Discovery, Exploration

    Granny Gnana find the hidden Sepulcher.

  • 1049 CE

    25 Octobre

    Plague of the Red Tears resurfaces
    Plague / Epidemic

    Queen Anushree's mummy is brought back to Selouisé and the Plague flares up as virulently as ever before.

    Additional timelines
  • 1050 CE

    4 Janvier

    Anushree presents herself to the Reliquary
    Life, Organisation Association
    Keep of Lore
    Additional timelines
  • 1050 CE

    3 Fevrier

    Solitaire Emani becomes Dean of Arcanology
    Life, Organisation Association
    Additional timelines


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