Masquerade Plot in Facet | World Anvil
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Party infiltrates the masquerade ball held by the Burgermeister of Ramach Tor.   Background: gang warfare is running rampant in the 'lower districts' Background: this is occurring during the Invasion Day celebration   Tilt: Bodyguard of the prince is murdered   Host: Osborn Highhill - busy keeping up appearances, talking about being eager to join the fighting in the lower districts, chafing against the upscale dressing, etc. after Tilt is thrown into a tizzy believing (correctly) that the visiting Prince will use this as an excuse to invade and conquer the city. Will spend all of his time in the background preparing to flee the city if an attack begins in earnest.
--   Guest: Guildmaster Angel's emissary - Guildmaster Angel knows about the conflict in the lower districts, but refuses to do anything about it to the extent of refusing to even discuss it. The emissary is the height of unnatural alien beauty and is disinterested/bored by the whole event to include the tilt. Does seem to want to catch and keep the attention of Dr Thornerose for reasons unknown.   Guest: Prince Wohlater - looking to take advantage of the instability of the war in the lower districts to conquer ramach tor. has his bodyguard (who he has suspected is a spy for his rival princes) killed and is using this as an excuse to strike, he does have an army concealed outside of town. He plays the part of reluctantly staying while the 'killer' is found, using it as an opportunity to sow discord in the city's leadership and make the city more unstable and easier to conquer.   Guest: Sapphyrus   Guest: Falscher Shatten   to the Embassy:   The players find a hidden message written in code within the burgomaster's study. When deciphered, it reveals a connection between the first villain's symbol and an embassy in the district. This symbol has been spotted in the shadows around the district, hinting at the first villain's involvement.   The players find a meticulously drawn map in the burgomaster's possession that marks the embassy district as a crucial location. The map highlights secret entrances and vantage points, hinting at the second villain's strategic interest in this area.   The second adventuring party discovers a hidden note with cryptic symbols left behind by the players. The symbols bear a resemblance to the first villain's insignia, suggesting a connection between the players and the doppleganger army under his control.   The second adventuring party uncovers a discarded note bearing the second villain's emblem in a hidden alcove. The note appears to outline plans that align with the players' actions during the masquerade, suggesting a connection between them and the second villain.   to the Magic District   In the burgomaster's possession, the players discover a rare magical amulet known to be used by the first villain's dopplegangers for communication. The amulet emits a faint magical aura that points towards the magic district, leading the players to suspect the first villain's connection to the area.   Among the burgomaster's magical artifacts, the players locate a cursed charm radiating a malevolent aura. This charm is known to be a signature of the second villain's enchantments, leading the players to suspect his involvement in the magic district.   The second adventuring party finds an enchanted charm on the ground, dropped by one of the players during their escape. The charm radiates an aura known to be associated with the first villain's magical manipulations, leading the second party to believe the players are aligned with him.   A spell scroll with markings resembling the second villain's unique style is found by the second party. The scroll appears to be linked to the players, indicating that they have dabbled in the second villain's magical practices.   to the University   The players come across a stolen book from the burgomaster's collection, containing references to the first villain's secret society in the university district. The book's annotations and bookmarked pages lead the players to secret meeting locations within the district, linking the first villain to the area.   A letter addressed to the burgomaster indicates a hidden rivalry between the second villain and a prominent scholar in the university district. The tense language and veiled threats in the letter hint at the second villain's schemes to manipulate the district's knowledge and influence.   The second adventuring party uncovers a letter left in a conspicuous location, seemingly written by one of the players. The letter subtly alludes to the second party's objective and echoes the rhetoric used by the first villain's secret society, casting doubt on the players' intentions.   The second adventuring party encounters a scholar who claims to have overheard the players discussing the second villain's ambitions while in the university district. The scholar's account fuels suspicion that the players are aligned with the second villain's goals.   to the Red Light District   Hidden amongst the burgomaster's belongings, the players find a love letter with veiled references to the first villain's influence over the district's establishments. The letter suggests a coded rendezvous point, enticing the players to investigate further and uncover connections to the first villain.   The players uncover a ledger in the burgomaster's collection that records unusual transactions and payments to individuals in the red light district. The ledger's entries bear the signature of the second villain's alias, suggesting a financial link between him and the district's activities.   A member of the second adventuring party stumbles upon a conversation between locals in the red light district, discussing the suspicious activities of individuals resembling the players. The conversation centers around rumors of the players' involvement in the first villain's shadowy operations.   The second party stumbles upon a disguised letter, seemingly addressed to one of the players. The letter cryptically hints at the second villain's plan to replace those in power, leading the second party to believe the players are assisting him.   to the Boat Town   Among the burgomaster's documents, the players discover a forged shipping manifest linking a shipment of contraband to a boat in the floating district. Subtle details in the forgery lead the players to suspect that the first villain is involved in smuggling operations within this district.   In the burgomaster's notes, the players stumble upon a coded message hinting at an upcoming rendezvous on one of the floating boats. The code leads to an encoded message that alludes to the second villain's hidden ambitions within the boat district.   The second adventuring party discovers a piece of torn fabric from the players' attire caught on the edge of a floating boat. The fabric bears a striking resemblance to the cloaks worn by the doppleganger army affiliated with the first villain, suggesting collaboration.   The second adventuring party discovers a marked crate on a floating boat, containing materials that match the second villain's magical modus operandi. The crate suggests the players have been involved in acquiring items associated with the second villain's enchantments.
Plot type
Chapter One: The Heist
Related Locations

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