Hunters of the Faerie Dragon Organization in Fabrica | World Anvil
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Hunters of the Faerie Dragon

Cosmological Views

In the beginning the Scissors , eldest of the Demiurges, took from itself the living things of wood and leather and wool. It sacrificed these parts of itself to fashion Paper with fiber pages and leather binding.


Carelessness is a great sin among the Hunters.


Funerary Practice
Hunters most frequently perform sky burials leaving the deceased on a remote peak or constructed plinth to be cleaned by the elements and scavenging birds.  Once the bones are clean and dry, they are gathered and used in ritual observances or acts of creation by the family of the deceased.  
More urbanized hunters instead construct ossuaries to house the bones of their deceased.


Clerics and Druids make up the majority of religious officials, though in a very informal capacity. They act as wise men and women of the villages they tend.
Paladin Hunters, sometimes called Kraken Knights for their formidable mix of Wood and Textiles as Shipwrights. They roam, much like the Bloodhunters, but unlike their brethren are usually welcomed into the community as recognized artisans and champions of the Dragon.

Granted Divine Powers

Clerics of any faith can have the Life or Forge Domain Hunters of the Faerie Dragon may also have the Grave, Nature, Trickery, and Blood Domains   Paladins of the Dragon often swear Oaths of the Ancients or Vengeance   Bloodhunters of all stripes are also adherents of the Naked Sword.


The Bloodhunters are a sect of Hunters that seek to curtail the rampant creation of dangerous beasts, aberrations, and fiends by the three Demiurges. They are frequently seen by most peoples as unsavory types, but when a powerful and dangerous creation is threatening a village they change their tune and welcome the Bloodhunters.

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Religious, Druidic Circle
Related Professions

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