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The Whispering Cities

It wasn't always called the Sunken Field, you know.   I've heard that back in the olden days, before everything went to shit, they called it the Heartlands. This is where life began, people say. Maybe that's why it seems like nothing stays dead here.   We do our best to make our way here, but it's difficult with everything roaming around. Some of the ghosts are benevolent, but more are vengeful and they've forgotten what for. Now they're just angry. And it's not just the ghosts either. There's always something unholy lurking in the dark. Nana says when she was a girl living in Ichnaea, she saw a great big dragon with tattered wings but still flying swoop down and wreck a whole village. That's why she moved. That's why everyone keeps moving. You see something that scares the daylights outta you so you move to another place with something that scares the daylights outta you, cause that's all the places that exist here.   Cause nothing stays dead for long.  

Session One: The Diary

PC Level: 14
Location: The Sunken Fields - Miyanai
Session Tags: heavy combat, heavy exploration
Date: 2/13/1002   Near The Coast Of Miyanai
"It's getting dark... Don't you think we should go back?"   "Don't be a baby. We're almost to the ruins. Don't you want to see if the rumors are true?"   "No! Why would I want to go to ruins to find out if everyone who goes there dies?"   "And comes back. You really don't want to know?"   "Everything comes back eventually... I'm not in any rush to find out."   "Fine, then. I'll go alone."  

Session Two: Dea

PC Level: 14
Location: The Sunken Fields - Ansu
Session Tags: heavy combat, heavy exploration, medium stakes social
Date: 3/28/1002   People say the largest of Ansu's southern islands is haunted. Well... Everything's haunted in the Sunken Fields. That's why people are so scared of the island. When somewhere is too haunted for denizens of the most haunted continent in the world, you don't argue about whether or not to visit.   So no one goes there anymore. They haven't in twenty thousand years.   Perhaps that means its secrets are intact.  

Session Three: The Forest

PC Level: 14
Location: The Sunken Fields - Ansu
Session Tags: heavy combat, heavy exploration
Date: 4/16/1002   Once it was just called the Forest. They say it's where the first life was created, and where life stayed for the first centuries.   Now it is nothing but stumps and ashes. There is no life there anymore. Only the remnants of fire.  

Session Four: The Spirits

PC Level: 14
Location: The Sunken Fields - Onnyra
Session Tags: heavy combat, heavy exploration, medium stakes social
Date: 5/12/1002   Everyone feels differently about ghosts. Some think they are a curse, an infestation, a disease upon the land. Some think of them as fellow residents of this continent. Some think of them as guardians and guides. Whatever the belief, we know the truth: the ghosts, these spirits of times long past, possess powers we will never comprehend.  

Session Five: Return to the Underdark

PC Level: 15
Location: The Sunken Fields - Nun Darahl
Session Tags: heavy combat, heavy exploration, medium stakes social
Date: 6/19/1002   The mountains go deeper than most people know. Far, far below them, there are ruins that rival those on the surface, and just as infested with vermin. What would one find, I wonder, if they made it past those unholy hordes?  

Session Six: The Hordes

PC Level: 15
Location: The Sunken Fields - Palioxis
Session Tags: moderate-heavy combat, heavy exploration, medium-high stakes social
Date: 7/30/1002   We don't truly understand it. It's been like that as long as anyone can remember, but we don't know why. Why do the hordes gather there, and why do they never move? We can only assume they are waiting for something. I hope we never find out what.  

Session Seven: The Vault

PC Level: 15
Location: The Sunken Fields - Ichnaea
Session Tags: heavy combat, heavy exploration, low stakes social
Date: 9/1/1002   They say Ichnaea got the worst of the war. Most people who live in the Sunken Fields would live pretty much anywhere--except Ichnaea. Why the empire wanted it, I have no idea.  

Session Eight: Stormborn

PC Level: 15
Location: The Sunken Fields - Zoria
Session Tags: heavy combat, heavy exploration
Date: 10/4/1002   There must be a reason it's always storming, mustn't there? There are reasons for most things. Perhaps the ones who live there know--but I've never been brave enough to venture to ask them.  

Session Nine: The Laboratory

PC Level: 15
Location: The Sunken Fields - Sioa
Session Tags: heavy combat, heavy exploration
Content Warnings: potential descriptions of body horror Date: 11/16/1002   There is no life, and no unlife. Nothing moves: even the wind fears to traverse those plains. Where, then, does the growling come from?  

Session Ten: Jin

PC Level: 16
Location: The Sunken Fields - Various
Session Tags: moderate-heavy exploration, high stakes social
Date: 12/8/1002   Per a certain possibly reliable source, an individual known as Jin may be in possession of tuning forks tied to the Upper Planes--which would make rather good allies in a war against devils. You've also heard that she isn't easy to find, but perhaps if you combine your abilities, you'll be able to track her down, convince her to help you, and make your case to the denizens of good.  

Session Eleven: The Red Cloaks

PC Level: 16
Location: The Sunken Fields - Zoria
Session Tags: investigation, high stakes social, moderate combat
Date: 1/12/1003   They've been appearing more often, more places--figures in red robes, speaking in hushed voices, listening from shadowed corners, spreading their word from city to city. Surely they're harmless; after all, what harm could possible agents of the enemy be?  

Session Twelve: Into the Astral

PC Level: 16
Location: The Outer Planes
Session Tags: moderate-heavy combat, moderate exploration, high stakes social
Content Warnings: planar fuckery
Date: 1/30/1003   Tuning forks: check
Destinations: check
Plan... In progress   What could go wrong? It's only a quick hop into the Astral Plane, after all

Session Thirteen: The Tower

PC Level: 16
Location: Limbo
Session Tags: puzzles, traps, moderate-heavy combat
Content Warnings: planar fuckery, mind woogy
Date: 2/10/1003  

Session Fourteen: Big Monstie

PC Level: 16
Location: The Sunken Fields - Sioa
Session Tags: heavy combat
Date: 3/20/1003   The ground rumbles--stirs, even, and shifts under the weight of the coming incursion. This is no natural quake; within moments, nearby towns are leveled, people crushed or trapped beneath fallen buildings. The world shakes with fear. How will you calm it?  

Session Fifteen: Level-Up

PC Level: 16
Location: The Sunken Fields - Sioa
Session Tags: moderate combat, morally questionable decisions
Date: 4/11/1003   There are many ways to level up a lich.   ... Well, not that many.   But there's at least one, certainly.   And if it's for the war effort... Perhaps even some other than the Ouroboros' most morally dubious actor will be willing to help.  

Session Sixteen: Secrets

PC Level: 16
Location: The Gales - Inoa
Session Tags: heavy combat
Date: 4/22/1003   This quest was given by no entity in particular. It's just a normal quest. Don't worry about it.   Your directions: go to a set of coordinates, located in The Middle Of Nowhere, Inoa. Kill everything.   Almost everything.   You'll know what not to kill.  

Session Seventeen: The Faeries

PC Level: 16
Location: The Sunken Fields - Laicarro
Session Tags: moderate-heavy combat
Content Warnings: mind woogy
Date: 5/31/1003   The birdsong there is beautiful.   That's what they say, at least.   I don't remember much.   Maybe I'll go back tomorrow.

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