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17th of Fons, 1346 AFB

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A world where nothing is what it seems. Trees that listen, wind that speaks, earth that feels. Extium has slowly become a victim to both the harsh nature and the mysterious ruler of Atuthis, the world capitol.   It is said that this ruler sold their soul to a tricky demon in order to save the life of their beloved. Unfortunately, nothing went as planned. The ruler's partner died and the monarch themself was forced to succumb to the demon's unholy power, making them the most powerful being in existence.   Districts all over Extium have been begging for some sort of respite from this cruel ruler and the nature they control. Homes have been torn apart, families separated, a once peaceful existence tainted by harsh desires. War has broken out all across the land, and the only thing that can save Extium happens to be a special group of heroes...

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