Damascus Settlement in Extinction Six | World Anvil
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Damascus is a Mormon town in eastern Utah. It is a somewhat secluded community, only occasionally trading with neighboring towns like Jericho, the cities of New Jerusalem and Canaan, and other passing traveling merchants; otherwise, the community tries to stay out of the way, living simple peaceful lives.


Damascus was founded by members of the LDS church about 40 years ago. Led by a self described prophet named Judah Matthews, about 200 hundred in Utah decided to create a community in the region, in order to practice their faith and live peaceful lives. They left the main Mormon territory of New Israel and the Great Salt Lake and migrated down to Green River near the Canyonlands National park. There they constructed shelters, a church, and farms, and began the settlement of Damascus. As of the present, they are a self-sufficient community, only occasionally trading with outsiders when small caravan merchants pass by their town. They became known as one of the three Mormon diaspora communities, along with St.George and Jericho, but otherwise Damascus was known for being a peaceful, secluded settlement.
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