The Judges of Law and Merit
A War On Two Fronts
Judges often switch orders and assist in various tasks that the other would perform. Each of the two has a specific set of responsibilities to Estoya.
Judges of Law
Judges of Merit
Almost every house has a judge of merit as an advisor who sits beside them in their estate for that very reason. Judges of merit are also the only people in Estoya who can grant marks of merit in every citizens civil ledger.
The Call To Arms
To be a judge of merit additional merits in math and finance as well as an aptitude for writing and lore are required. Judges of law require an additional 2 years of military service along with a wide range of merits in combat with aptitude in several forms of weaponry. In addition, judges of law must be capable of memorizing the law completely and traditionally have the added task of keeping up with their three codes of law.
Regardless of the order joined, only those with a good reputation may do so, chosen and often sponsored by a current judge of the order you want to join. Upon joining, the order will commission a custom made a set of armor and any weapons desired by The Royal Standards themselves. These items are catered and fitted to the new member. Once the member is officially inducted, they are given a small estate, their armor and weapons, and the first tasks to perform.
The judges play many roles but they are transparent in their agenda. Keep everyone safe and keep the nation running. Keep everyone honest, and take care of anyone who would get in the way of their noble goal.
Tools Of The Trade
Standard Issue
Ozolithian Axioms
Arcana Castigo
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What mounts do the knights use? Horses, I assume, but there could be some variety as well. I love knights in general, but I like how you made this order more than just military.
There isn't a standard of mounts used but probably horses lol thanks for the like and comment. :)