Exandria Post Divergence
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Post Divergence

Cultural event

Year 0 - 836 PD

This is the fourth and current age. Across Exandria people continue to rebuild their societies and attempt to recover what was lost.

When the Divergence transpired, the Divine Gate was established. A powerful barrier between the Material Plane and the divine realms, the Divine Gate both sealed away the Betrayer Gods and the Prime Deities to their respective domains in hopes of salvaging the new age and preventing another Calamity. Should the Divine Gate be destroyed by the unani- mous effort of the Prime Deities, all powers will be unleashed and Armageddon will be imminent. Thus, the gods patiently watch their creations from beyond the veil, lending what small power and chosen minions they can send through the gate to aid their faithful in their goals and pursuits.

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