Norholme Plains Geographic Location in Evermyre | World Anvil
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Norholme Plains

The Norholme plains is the name designated for a former section of the Vast Plains. The vast plains once stretched throughout the continent in the shape of a belt, but a shift in the natural energy of the land came following the settling of Norholme City. The changed area was cordoned and renamed to the Norholme Plains due to the now distinct difference in terrain between that and the Vast Plains.   The northern end of the plains is drier and more sandy, as it borders the Dary Badlands. Trees and shrubbery are much less common in this area, and there is very little grass. Beneath this border cuts the Opelia River, which once fed many lakes in the area through its various tributaries. What remains now is many dried up pits and craters from where lakes once were. The grass that grows throughout the plains grows tall, but perpetually brown no matter the season. Most trees that once grew there have now died, or at the very least the leaves have browned.  
In the southwest corner of the plains you can find the Pora Foothills, which lie against the border to The Waste. The climate in this region is colder than the north, but it is nothing compared to the true climate of The Waste. Not much grows in the southern area, but that has nothing to do with The Wither.
In the Northwest lies an occupied peninsula. The Forsin Orcs have claimed this area as theirs. A large wooden wall was erected to seperate the Orcs from the human society.
The capital city of the Norholme Plains is Norholme City. It was once an incredible booming industrial city, prior to the Wither. What is left now is a city largely in ruins. The core of the city remains functioning, occupied by those whose families have lived there for generations, some of which building the very buildings themselves. Others less savory have flocked to the city following its collapse, criminals, brigands, and other opportunists try to swindle, steal and make a quick buck. 
There are a few small towns and hamlets settled across the land, but most 

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