Summer Camp Pledge in Everfield | World Anvil
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Summer Camp Pledge

My summer camp 2022 pledge


Creative goal

I started working on my world a year or two ago, but I quickly fell out of it because of the pandemic and a hard student life. As I now have a good group of friends who wants me to DM them in D&D 5e, I wanted to bring my world back from the ground, and thought the summer camp would be a great way to get back into writing. I have a lot of ideas when it comes to content of my world, and writing prompts from the summer camp looks very interesting.  

Challenge goal

For the target challenge, I want to aim for gold. This is because I know I can write a lot if I set my mind to it. I have written a ton of hand written notes over the last 4 months. I would probably be able to aim for diamond as well, but as I am working full time over July, I don't know if I have the time to write that much. Anyhow, I'm aiming high, and the journey there will be amazing.  

Themes and Integration

It's good to think about how this years themes might be integrated into my world, so this is a small plan for how this could be done  
Expanse (Bronze)
As I am writing up on the world mainly around my D&D group, I want to focus the prompts to areas around my players as well as areas of interest they might discover. Right now, my players are situated in the   and there are a lot of different regions, biomes and countries that needs to be fletched out. A perfect target for the expanse category.
Leadership (Silver)
As the continent of Kapira consists of multiple nations and powerplay, their governing bodies, factions and political relationship might be a great target for the leadership category prompts.  
Discovery (Gold)
Well, as I am writing around a campaign setting, having stuff to discover, explore and research is really important. I have a lot of plans for hidden lore and ruins the players might encounter, so this category is very relevant. (Super excited for this)  
Monstrous (Diamond)
I have a few ideas for what might be considered monstrous. There are a few clans and factions in my players' backgrounds that might be intriguing to build upon here, so that it has more hold in the world. I am also planning for one of the leaders in the Kapira continent to have villainous tendencies or actions which might be built upon here. I will most likely get more inspiration along the way as I write up on the Expanse and the Leadership prompts. Now, I am not sure if I will be able to write so much that I get to this point, but I will most certainly try!


I will be online on discord daily, and do my best to follow the streams on Twitch. I might be streaming as well, and will post this in the WorldAnvil discord server in #anvil-streams.

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