Everfields Common Pantheon Organization in Everfield | World Anvil
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Everfields Common Pantheon

The common pantheon of Everfield

The term "common pantheon" denotes the absolute deities who appear throughout the different cultures of Everfield. Even after the fragmented era, these same deities appeared in the beliefs of the affected which would lead to strengthening their belief.  

Deities of Everfield

The deities of the common pantheon of Everfield can be separated into categories based on domains. While some deities reign over powers of nature, some are tied to the natural order of the world while others are the result of belief and dedication towards humanitarian fields. Deities' power change the flow of everyday life and are categorized on a linear scale based on their predictability. An active god may be chaotic with their power, changing things on a whim and are not straight forward to predict. An example could be a local deity effecting the weather. Contrary, a passive deity is easy to predict. The sun will most likely rise again tomorrow, and the sky is still possibly blue as well. A deities power and influential power is also based on their belief, ranking their domain into a hierarchical power structure:
  1. Cosmic/Celestial

    Deities who represent the idea of existance. These are the most powerful deities, but they are also the most passive.
  2. Natural Order

    These are deities who govern the laws of the world such as life, death, magic and force. They are active within their domain but are barly noticable by mortals.
  3. Environmental

    Environmental deities are the ones who represent the environment. From the elements to nature, these deities are active enough to be defined by certain individuals, commonly referred to as saints.
  4. Political/Cultural

    Only a few deities can be tied to globally occurring phenomena, as there are only so many phenomena to cover. Most deities are entities defined by the faith and conviction of common man. These are categorized as political and cultural deities. They can represent a field of craft or lore, an action or opinion, as well as other concepts different races or ethnicities might create. They only hold power by which their believers provide, and they intervene by favoring individuals, granting them increased abilities in the deities respective power.
  5. Geolocational

    The last and least powerful deities are referred to as geolocational. These are powers that act on certain regions, and borrow power from the environmental deities to conjure effects. The activities of these deities are clearly visible by mortals, but their categorization as deities are still debated.

Existence and planar intervention

It is a heated topic if the deities are real or not. While tying different phenomena to their name, the existence of an identity is debated. Religious zealots, templars and priests are convinced of their existence, most scholars, alchemists and artificers are opposed.   The elves' view of the pantheon got more complex after the forgetful races remembered them. This led to an elven scholar, Myriil Dormys, proving their existence as a paradox and defined them as pseudo-identities who live as concepts, and that the idea of an existence exists of itself.

Myriil's Paradox

"A deity's existence is impossible to prove; for proof denies faith, and without faith, they are nothing. Then, I say, their mingling affairs is a contradiction as they cannot intervene without existence. It proves they exist, and implicitly by their own existence, they don't." - Myriil Dormys, 214CE
An artists depiction of a saint and an environmental deity by Odobenus
Founding Date
Religious, Pantheon

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