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Read the Evenacht serial:   Evenacht: Snake's Den Book 1   Evenacht: Greenglimmer Book 2
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  • 7/24 Summer Camp Prompt Entries
    Check out Entries here.  
  • 7/26/24 Greenglimmer Ch 24 is Live!
    Read Chapter 24 here.  
  • 7/12/24 Greenglimmer Ch 23 is Live!
      Read Ch 23 here.  
  • 6/28/24 Greenglimmer Ch 21 &22 are Live!
    Read Chapter 21 here.   Read Chapter 22 here.
  • 6/14/24 Greenglimmer Chapter 20 is Live!
    Read Chapter 20 here.  
  • 5/31/24 Greenglimmer Chapters 18 & 19 are Live!
    Read Chapter 18 here.   Read Chapter 19 here.


Image Credits Landing Page
The Evenacht, one of the evening lands of the planet Sensour, houses the deceased from the continent of Talis.   All are judged by Death before they enter. The lucky spirits enjoy the promise of the Evenacht; to do that which eluded one in life.   The unlucky, punished for a life ill-lived, suffer in the Fields of the Condemned, waiting for Redemption.
Finder acolyte who Chose Captain Laken as her first Redemption Candidate. Tossed from the Finders for her choice, she must navigate the dangers of a Redemption journey without their backing.
Death-condemned spirit languishing in the Fields of the UnRedeemed. Known as a vicious and cruel man while alive, Finders consider him UnRedeemable in death. Vantra still Chose him.
the quest Vantra and Laken undertake to find his five sundered essences. Once he is reunited with the essences and the Recollection ritual complete, Laken will be able to enjoy the promise of the Evenacht.
Vantra is not alone. Members of the Joyful Caravan join her on her quest. Calling themselves the mini-Joyful, they brave the dangers of a Redemption to help Vantra and Laken succeed.
  Essence guardians and dangerous terrain are not the only danger the mini-Joyful must face.   Nolaris, Vantra's mentor, demands she recind her oath. He is one among many who seek to keep Laken in the Fields, and all will commit grave acts of malice to stop Vantra from fulfilling her duty.
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