Ragnailt Character in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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Ragnailt is an undead firbolg, who travelled from Varentar in her relentless pursuit of Meallan. She has agreed to pause her attempts to kill him at least long enough for the party to destroy Malka, but expressed anger and frustration at his intention to bring his entire village back to life. It seems that if he persists in this course of action, Ragnailt will do what she can to stop him.      Pronunciation: rein-ilt

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thoroughly scarred and decomposing, if more slowly than a fully dead corpse.

Facial Features

Extensive burn scarring. Ragnailt has no nose and much of her lower jaw has rotted away, although she generally wraps a scarf around her lower face to conceal the worst of the damage.

Identifying Characteristics


Apparel & Accessories

Wears a dark, hooded cloak. Wraps a scarf around her jaw and lower face to conceal the worst of the damage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Meallan and Ragnailt have known each other a long time- perhaps Meallan's whole life- as reflected in their conversation in session 44 on the 8th of Stone. Ragnailt sang at the funeral of Meallan's mother, and mentioned that even as a child he was selfish and difficult. Ragnailt tried to warn Meallan about Malka and, when that failed, she informed the Council of their relationship, which resulted in his banishment.    Meallan soon returned to show off his power, which with the help of Malka resulted in him killing Ragnailt and the entire village. She alone woke as an undead in the wake of this and, while she doesn't know for certain why, Ragnailt theorises that this was due to the 'wrongness' of the place. That is, the immense negative energy left behind in the wake of the fiend's terrible influence.

Gender Identity

Female, she/her pronouns.

Personality Characteristics


The desire to kill Meallan.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: her dogs.


As Basil pointed out: undead smell Very Bad.


Hobbies & Pets

A pair of wolf-dogs.


Ragnailt is blunt, with Meallan stating that she was 'never one to mince words.'
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Lots of fire.
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Two wrongs don't make a right, Fiendsflame."
Known Languages
Fluent in Giant, can manage broken Elvish. Does not speak Common.

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Character Portrait image: Firbolgchan by Moni


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