Galysen Botanicals in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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Galysen Botanicals

Located within a cottage of brown clay bricks, a variety of plants and flowers bordering the path that leads to the front door- which itself is green with brightly painted flowers, purple and yellow pansies and white daisies.   A family business run by sibling duo Marigold (he/him) and Sunflower (she/her) Galysen, with Marigold's son Bud and a few others helping out around the place. They sell all kinds of nice herbal products- including a soothing, nausea relieving tea! But their big seller is the one Amani, Meallan and Tally visited to investigate: a product that assists elves who cannot easily seize the blessing, and which contains the potentially dangerous 'iridilith' ('evil sand.')

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