Avelina Redcastle Character in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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Avelina Redcastle

Avelina Redcastle (a.k.a. Av)

Formerly the Hellfire Paladin, a hellsworn fiend bound in service to the Burning Hunger. Av was unable to feel positive emotions until she was freed from her bonds upon her mistress' death. While she still looks far from human, she can now feel emotions again and begin to grieve for her long dead wife Seraphina. 
(Sketch of Av is by Moni.)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Without her armour she is a tall, broad-shouldered and muscular humanoid woman with grey skin, eyes like black coals, and dark hair cropped short.

Facial Features

Her eyes seem to alternate between being coal-black and literally aflame.

Special abilities

She can travel via the ethereal plane, and apparently summon (and edit) fiendish contracts out of thin air.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a set of polished obsidian armour, with a helmet entirely concealing her facial features besides literally flaming eyes behind her visor. On one pauldron is a silver design midway between a snowflake and a cog.   She carried a long, bone-white lance, which she flung into a bottomless pit upon gaining her freedom.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was once a human paladin, but by her own admission was not a great one. The Burning Hunger was able to claim her soul upon her death, and replace all memories of her former devotion with the Burning Hunger, and so she became the hellsworn known as the Hellfire Paladin. She was freed from servitude by the Disaster Party upon the Burning Hunger's death.

Gender Identity

Female, she/her pronouns.


Formerly the Hellfire Paladin, a hellsworn in service to the Burning Hunger. She currently works as a bouncer at Anthony's new bar, Maof Kilg.


Contacts & Relations

The Burning Hunger (she/her): her former master, a devil, now deceased.   Seraphina Redcastle (she/her): Avelina's wife (deceased.)

Hobbies & Pets

Ichabod: her steed, a large dark warhorse with a flaming mane and tail who can appear and disappear as need be.


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hellfire Paladin (former)
Coal black, no visible pupils or sclera.
Cropped short, black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Over six foot tall.
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Poor timing on my part, but I would offer my services against your Malka.”
Known Languages
Can fluently speak, at the very least, Common and Infernal.

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Character Portrait image: by Moni


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