Arcaito Character in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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Lord of the Wild Spaces

An archfey known more frequently by his title: Lord of the Wild Spaces. Depicted here by Celestial as a spectral form lurking behind Crezonis; Arcaito was instrumental in the centaur's efforts to destroy Ur Deyn. Since then he has antagonised the party during their travels in the forests of Eaine.   
On the 15th of Jewel 15003, Khamet harnessed Arcaito's true name to summon him to the ruins of Ur Deyn. After a tense conversation in which Arcaito attempted to bargain with the party (offering Rauliso's will in exchange for Crezonis), Selwyn magically commanded him to be absorbed by his domain. Arcaito vanished, but Selwyn knows the fear he displayed as this happened was feigned.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Powerful build. Abs for days.

Facial Features

A pair of large antlers protrude from the top of his head.

Identifying Characteristics

As a fey, his eyes remain the same bright green no matter what form he takes.

Special abilities

Arcaito was able to bring Crezonis back from the brink of death. He injured Khamet with a touch to the shoulder. While his power has not been fully demonstrated, he is said to have complete control over his realm, the Grasping Woods.


Contacts & Relations

Crezonis (Chosen.)
The Children (three fey entities with some connection to Crezonis.)
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Wild Spaces.
Current Residence
The Grasping Woods.
Vivid green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark golden brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Read a book, paladin"- to Khamet.

"Crezonis was perfectly capable of destroying his life without my interference."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Arcaito speaks and understands Sylvan and Elvish.

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Character Portrait image: by Celes


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