Kaylee Jorgenson Character in Euresix | World Anvil
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Kaylee Jorgenson

Kaylee Jorgenson

The Outlaw's Hacker

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's not especially strong, but rather slim. However, she's fit due to training, and a very fast runner.

Special abilities

She has the ability to read minds, if she focuses enough on it. However, this is something that the dog tags she wears from her dad prevent her from doing.

Apparel & Accessories

She has a pair of dog tags from her father that she wears all the time and never takes off.

Specialized Equipment

She always has her phone on her, at any and all times, and has done enough to alter the phone such that it can do quite a lot more than a normal phone should.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kaylee grew up in Midnight Corps, as her parents were operatives. Unfortunately, her parents disappeared when she was young. Despite growing up at the Corps, she wasn't really accepted much by her peers. In a place where you really only fit in if you can fight, her being an avid programmer and hacker made her something of a black sheep in the family and in the Corps. People saw her as useless, or worse, as just an extra burden. Because of this, no one wanted her to join their squad after she finished training. Since no one wanted Kaylee, her twin brother Gage refused to join any of the squads that wanted him either, determined to only join a squad if Kaylee could too. Since neither of them found a squad, the two became a brother/sister duo. They worked smaller jobs together and never gave up fully on joining a squad. Eventually, when the Outlaw Squad was assembled, the two were invited to join and found a place where they were accepted.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She's created a way to hack incredibly secure connections of nearly any kind, and can get almost any information she wants if she has enough access to it.

Failures & Embarrassments

The one thing she could never hack was the Director's personal files, which contain the information on what happened to her parents. She still tries to get in there and find that information, to this day.

Mental Trauma

She's quite insecure about her own abilities, since she's so used to being called useless due to her inability to fight. It's caused her much bullying throughout her life, and because of this she's gotten used to keeping to herself and didn't have friends until joining the Outlaw Squad.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kaylee is the mischievious type. She jokes around and makes random movie references every so often. She fits the geek status perfectly, and has gotten very good at pretending she doesn't care what others think of her. She loves a good challenge and constantly seeks them out. Most of the time, she can be found sitting somewhere, phone in hand, eyes glued to the screen. She greatly values her friends in the Outlaw Squad, and especially cares about her brother, all of whom she would lay down her life for without thinking twice. Somehow, despite how often she snacks on things, she still manages to stay thin and fit. She likes to keep her workspaces clean, and constantly is picking up after Gage, who makes messes everywhere.

Morality & Philosophy

She's a very kind sort, but tends to keep out of other people's problems. She hates to see people hurt others, but is so used to being hurt herself without anyone interfering aside from her brother that she typically won't interfere on other's behalf either, so as to avoid getting hurt herself.

Personality Characteristics


She wants more than anything to find out what happened to her parents and why they disappeared. Beyond that, she wants to prove to all the squads that didn't want her that they were wrong, and prove to her new squad mates that they didn't choose the wrong person when they asked her to join.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She's a highly skilled computer scientist and programmer. She's also very good at social stealth, due to the fact that it's the best way she could be of use to Gage. She's not a good fighter and is also not very strong. Her vision also isn't wonderful, and she can't really see very well without her glasses or contacts.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves working with computers and fixing electronics. She's also the best hacker in the province and very much enjoys doing that. She doesn't much like fighting, especially since she was never great at it.


Family Ties

Her only living relative left is her twin brother, Gage.
Short, blonde, usually in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly Tan

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